Appendix: HBaseDDLExecutor

Appendix: HBaseDDLExecutor

For details on replication of CDAP clusters, see CDAP Replication.

This document provides a sample implementation of HBaseDDLExecutor.

The HBaseDDLExecutorImpl class performs the DDL operations on the local and peer cluster (master and slave).


Interface of HBaseDDLExecutor. Note that this is a Beta feature and subject to change without notice.

/** * Interface providing the HBase DDL operations. All methods except {@link #initialize} must * be idempotent in order to allow retry of failed operations. */ @Beta public interface HBaseDDLExecutor extends Closeable { /** * Initialize the {@link HBaseDDLExecutor}. * This method is called once when the executor is created, before any other methods are called. * @param context the context for the executor */ void initialize(HBaseDDLExecutorContext context); /** * Create the specified namespace if it does not exist. * This method gets called when CDAP attempts to create a new namespace. * * @param name the namespace to create * @return whether the namespace was created * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs */ boolean createNamespaceIfNotExists(String name) throws IOException; /** * Delete the specified namespace if it exists. * This method is called during namespace deletion process. * * @param name the namespace to delete * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs * @throws IllegalStateException if there are tables in the namespace */ void deleteNamespaceIfExists(String name) throws IOException; /** * Create the specified table if it does not exist. * This method is called during the creation of an HBase backed dataset (either system or user). * * @param descriptor the descriptor for the table to create * @param splitKeys the initial split keys for the table * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs */ void createTableIfNotExists(TableDescriptor descriptor, @Nullable byte[][] splitKeys) throws IOException; /** * Enable the specified table if it is disabled. * * @param namespace the namespace of the table to enable * @param name the name of the table to enable * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs */ void enableTableIfDisabled(String namespace, String name) throws IOException;