System and Custom Datasets (Deprecated)

System Datasets

CDAP comes with several system-defined datasets, including but not limited to key-value Tables, indexed Tables and time series. Each of them is defined with the help of one or more embedded Tables, but defines its own interface. Examples include:

  • The KeyValueTable implements a key/value store as a Table with a single column.

  • The IndexedTable implements a Table with a secondary key using two embedded Tables, one for the data and one for the secondary index.

  • The TimeseriesTable uses a Table to store keyed data over time and allows querying that data over ranges of time.

  • The ObjectMappedTable uses a Table to store Java Objects by mapping object fields to table columns. It can be explored through the use of ad-hoc SQL-like queries as described in ObjectMappedTable Exploration.

Custom Datasets

You can define your own dataset classes to implement common data patterns specific to your code.

Suppose you want to define a counter table that, in addition to counting words, counts how many unique words it has seen. The dataset can be built on top of two underlying datasets. The first a Table (entryCountTable) to count all the words and the second a Table (uniqueCountTable) for the unique count.

When your custom dataset is built on top of one or more existing datasets, the simplest way to implement it is to just define the data operations (by implementing the dataset interface) and delegating all other work (such as administrative operations) to the embedded dataset.

To do this, you need to implement the dataset class and define the embedded datasets by annotating its constructor arguments.

In this case, our UniqueCountTableDefinition will have two underlying datasets: an entryCountTable and an uniqueCountTable, both of type Table:

public class UniqueCountTable extends AbstractDataset { private final Table entryCountTable; private final Table uniqueCountTable; public UniqueCountTable(DatasetSpecification spec, @EmbeddedDataset("entryCountTable") Table entryCountTable, @EmbeddedDataset("uniqueCountTable") Table uniqueCountTable) { super(spec.getName(), entryCountTable, uniqueCountTable); this.entryCountTable = entryCountTable; this.uniqueCountTable = uniqueCountTable; }

In this case, the class must have one constructor that takes a DatasetSpecification as a first parameter and any number of Datasets annotated with the @EmbeddedDataset annotation as the remaining parameters. @EmbeddedDataset takes the embedded dataset's name as a parameter.

The UniqueCountTable stores a counter for each word in its own row of the entry count table. For each word the counter is incremented. If the result of the increment is 1, then this is the first time we've encountered that word, hence we have a new unique word and we then increment the unique counter:

public void updateUniqueCount(String entry) { long newCount = entryCountTable.incrementAndGet(new Increment(entry, "count", 1L)).getInt("count"); if (newCount == 1L) { uniqueCountTable.increment(new Increment("unique_count", "count", 1L)); } }

Finally, we write a method to retrieve the number of unique words seen:

public Long readUniqueCount() { return uniqueCountTable.get(new Get("unique_count", "count")).getLong("count"); }

All administrative operations (such as create, drop, truncate) will be delegated to the embedded datasets in the order they are defined in the constructor. DatasetProperties that are passed during creation of the dataset will be passed as-is to the embedded datasets.

To create a dataset of type UniqueCountTable, add the following into the application implementation:

Passing Properties

You can also pass DatasetProperties as a third parameter to the createDataset method. These properties will be used by embedded datasets during creation and will be available via the DatasetSpecification passed to the dataset constructor. For example, to create a dataset with a TTL (time-to-live, specified in seconds) property, you can use:

You can pass other properties, such as for conflict detection and for pre-splitting into multiple regions.

Accessing a Dataset

Application components can access a custom dataset in the same way as all other datasets: via either the @UseDataSet annotation, or the getDataset() method of the program context. This is described in more detail in the section on Using Datasets in Programs.

You can also create, drop, and truncate datasets using the Dataset Microservices.

Annotating Dataset Methods

Dataset methods can be annotated with the type of access that they perform on data. Annotations help the CDAP runtime to enforce authorization, as well as track lineage. Dataset methods (including constructors) can be annotated with one of:

  • @ReadOnly: Denotes that a method or constructor performs only read operations

  • @WriteOnly: Denotes that a method or constructor performs only write operations

  • @ReadWrite: Denotes that a method or constructor performs both read and write operations

Methods in System Datasets already contain appropriate annotations. For Custom Datasets, it is the responsibility of the developer to appropriately annotate methods.

Created in 2020 by Google Inc.