Configuring Program Resources

The amount of resources (virtual CPU cores and memory) of YARN containers is configurable before the start of the run of any application components. By setting these resources at runtime, instead of as part of the application code, you can remove the requirement for recompiling, repackaging, and redeploying of an application in order to simply change the resources used.

Note: Any resource specifications set directly in the application (such as shown in MapReduce and Resources) will be overridden as the runtime arguments take precedence.

Virtual CPU Cores and Memory

The runtime system looks for these arguments:

  • system.resources.cores: Number of virtual cores for each YARN container

  • system.resources.memory: Memory in MB for each YARN container

These arguments can be set either as a runtime argument (which affects just the next run of a program) or as a preference (which affects all subsequent runs), as described in the Preferences Microservices documentation.

You can use the Preferences Microservices to set these arguments at various levels in the hierarchy (across a namespace, across programs in an application, for a specific program in a specific application, etc.). These will be persisted and used with each run of the application's programs.

Configuring Sub-components

For program types that have sub-components (such as MapReduce and Spark programs), a prefix can be added to limit the scope of the arguments.

MapReduce Program

  • Prefix with task.driver. to set resources for the MapReduce driver only

  • Prefix with task.mapper. to set resources for the mappers only

  • Prefix with task.reducer. to set resources for the reducers only

Spark Program

  • Prefix with task.client. to set resources for the Spark client only

  • Prefix with task.driver. to set resources for the Spark driver only

  • Prefix with task.executor. to set resources for the Spark executors only


  • Prefix with task.workflow. to set resources for the Workflow driver only

  • Prefix with mapreduce.<workflowNodeName>. to set resources for a particular MapReduce node in a workflow

  • Prefix with spark.<workflowNodeName>. to set resources for a particular Spark node in a workflow


As an example, assume that you have deployed an application named MyApp in CDAP in the default namespace, and would like to set the memory used by its YARN containers.

  • To set the memory used by the mappers of all MapReduce jobs, in all namespaces, as 2048 MB, you would use:

    task.mapper.system.resources.memory = 2048

    You could set this using the CDAP CLI:

    cdap > set preferences instance 'task.mapper.system.resources.memory=2048'

    or by using a curl call:

$ curl -w"\n" -X PUT "" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "task.mapper.system.resources.memory": 2048 }'


  • To set the memory used by the mapper of the MyMapReduce MapReduce job, you would use:

    You could set this using the CDAP CLI:

    or by using a curl call:

These configurations can also be set through the CDAP UI, either as preferences or runtime arguments.

Created in 2020 by Google Inc.