Appendix: cdap-site.xml and cdap-default.xml
The cdap-site.xml
 file is the configuration file for a CDAP installation. Its properties and values determine the settings used by CDAP when starting and operating.
Any properties not found in an installation's cdap-site.xml
 will use a default parameter value defined in the file cdap-default.xml
. It is located in the CDAP JARs and should not be altered.
You can find all of the available parameters in CDAP git:<version>/cdap-common/src/main/resources/cdap-default.xml
For example, to see all of the available parameters in CDAP 6.7: cdap/cdap-common/src/main/resources/cdap-default.xml at release/6.7 · cdapio/cdap
Any of the default values (with the exception of those marked [Final]) can be overridden by defining a modifying value in the cdap-site.xml
 file, located (by default) either in <CDAP-HOME>/conf/cdap-site.xml
 (CDAP Sandbox) or /etc/cdap/conf/cdap-site.xml
 (Distributed CDAP).
[Final]: Properties marked as [Final] indicates that their value cannot be changed, even with a setting in theÂ
.Kafka Server:Â All properties that begin withÂ
 are passed to the CDAP Kafka service when it is started.Security: For information on configuring theÂ
 file, its security section, and CDAP for security, see the documentation Security section.
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.