Configuration Microservices

Use the CDAP Configuration Microservices to retrieve the version of CDAP and the configurations of CDAP and HBase. Configurations and their settings are described in the Installation instructions.

All methods or endpoints described in this API have a base URL (typically http://<host>:11015 or https://<host>:10443) that precedes the resource identifier, as described in the Microservices Conventions. These methods return a status code, as listed in the Microservices Status Codes.

CDAP Version

To retrieve the version of CDAP, issue an HTTP GET request:

GET /v3/version

CDAP Configurations

To retrieve all the configurations used by CDAP, issue an HTTP GET request:

GET /v3/config/cdap[?format=<type>]






Optional format for returned type, either json (default) or xml

The response is a string with the property name, its value, and the source of that value, in the specified format. For example, using the default JSON format, the output would be similar to (showing the first portion, reformatted to fit):

[ { "name": "", "value": "300000", "source": "cdap-default.xml" }, { "name": "http.service.exec.threads", "value": "20", "source": "cdap-default.xml" }, { "name": "", "value": "100", "source": "cdap-default.xml" }, { "name": "dashboard.ssl.bind.port", "value": "9443", "source": "cdap-default.xml" }, ... ]

HBase Configurations

To retrieve all the configurations used by HBase, issue an HTTP GET request:






Optional format for returned type, either json (default) or xml

The response is a string in the specified format. For example, using the XML format, the output would be similar to (showing the first portion, reformatted to fit):


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.