Lifecycle Microservices


Use the CDAP Lifecycle Microservices to deploy or delete applications and manage the lifecycle of MapReduce (DEPRECATED) and Spark programs, custom services, workers, and workflows.

For more information about CDAP components, see CDAP Components.

All methods or endpoints described in this API have a base URL (typically http://<host>:11015 or https://<host>:10443) that precedes the resource identifier, as described in the Microservices Conventions. These methods return a status code, as listed in the Microservices Status Codes.

Application Lifecycle

Create an Application

To create an application, submit an HTTP PUT request:

PUT /v3/namespaces/<namespace-id>/apps/<app-id>

(DEPRECATED) To create an application with a non-default version, submit an HTTP POST request with the version specified:

POST /v3/namespaces/<namespace-id>/apps/<app-id>/versions/<version-id>/create






Namespace ID


Name of the application


(DEPRECATED) Version of the application, typically following semantic versioning;

The version-id defaults to -SNAPSHOT when you don’t specify a version-id.

The request body is a JSON object specifying the artifact to use to create the application, and an optional application configuration. For example:

PUT /v3/namespaces/default/apps/purchaseWordCount { "artifact": { "name": "WordCount", "version": "6.8.0", "scope": "USER" }, "config": { “datasetName”: “purchases” }, "principal":"user/", "app.deploy.update.schedules":"true" }

will create an application named purchaseWordCount from the example WordCount artifact. The application will receive the specified config, which will configure the application to create a dataset named purchases instead of using the default dataset name.

Optionally, you can specify a Kerberos principal with which the application should be deployed. If a Kerberos principal is specified, then all the datasets created by the application will be created with the application's Kerberos principal.

Optionally, you can set or reset the flag app.deploy.update.schedules. If true, redeploying an application will modify any schedules that currently exist for the application; if false, redeploying an application does not create any new schedules and existing schedules are neither deleted nor updated.

Update an Application (DEPRECATED)

To update an application, submit an HTTP POST request:






Namespace ID


Name of the application

The request body is a JSON object specifying the updated artifact version and the updated application config. For example, a request body of:

will update the purchaseWordCount application to use version 6.3.0 of the WordCount artifact, and update the name of the dataset to logs. If no artifact is given, the current artifact will be used.

Only changes to artifact version are supported; changes to the artifact name are not allowed. If no config is given, the current config will be used. If the config key is present, the current config will be overwritten by the config specified in the request. As the principal of an application cannot be updated, during an update the principal should either be the same or absent.

Deploy an Artifact and Application

To deploy an application from your local file system into the namespace namespace-id, submit an HTTP POST request:

with the name of the JAR file as a header:

and Kerberos principal with which the application is to be deployed (if required):

and enable or disable updating schedules of the existing workflows using the header:

This will add the JAR file as an artifact and then create an application from that artifact. The archive name must be in the form <artifact-name>-<artifact-version>.jar. An optional header can supply a configuration object as a serialized JSON string:

The application's content is the body of the request:

Invoke the same command to update an application to a newer version. However, be sure to stop all of its Spark and MapReduce programs before updating the application.

For an application that has a configuration class such as:

We can deploy it with this call:

Note: The X-App-Config header contains the JSON serialization string of the MyAppConfig object.

List Applications

To list all of the applications in the namespace namespace-id, issue an HTTP GET request:
