Filter Row If True directive (deprecated)

The FILTER-ROW-IF-TRUE directive filters records that match a condition.


Use the FILTER-ROWS-ON directive instead.


filter-row-if-true <condition>

The <condition> is a valid boolean expression resulting in either a true or false.

Usage Notes

The FILTER-ROW-IF-TRUE directive evaluates the Boolean condition for each record. If the result of evaluation is true, it skips the record, otherwise it is passed as-is to the input of the next directive.

The <condition> is specified in the JEXL expression language with additional utility libraries are defined in the math and string namespaces.

For information on how to write JEXL expressions, see the commons-jexl documentation.


Using this record as an example:

{ "id": 1, "name": "Joltie, Root", "hrlywage": "12.34", "gender": "Male", "country": "US" }

Applying this directive:

filter-row-if-true country !~ US

would result in filtering out records for individuals that are not in the US (where country does not match "US").

Applying this directive:

would result in filtering out records for individuals that are not in the US (where country does not match "US") and whose hourly wage (hrlywage) is greater than 12.

Created in 2020 by Google Inc.