Rename directive
The RENAME directive renames an existing column in the record. The RENAME directive is case sensitive.
rename :source :target
 is the name of an existing column to be
 is the new name of the column.
Usage Notes
The RENAME directive will rename the specified column name by replacing it with a new name. The original column name will no longer be available in the record after this directive has been applied to the record.
The RENAME directive will only rename a column that exists. If the column name does not exist in the record, the operation will be ignored without an error.
Using this record as an example:
"x": 6.3,
"y": 187,
"codes": {
"a": "code1",
"b": 2
Applying these directives:
rename :x :height
rename :y :weight
results in this record:
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.