Mask Shuffle directive

The MASK-SHUFFLE directive applies shuffle masking on the column values.


mask-shuffle :columm

The column specifies the name of an existing column to be masked.

Usage Notes

The MASK-SHUFFLE directive applies shuffle masking on the column values to perform obfuscation by using random character substitution method. This type of masking is fixed length masking, where the data is randomly shuffled in the column on the fixed length string.

Note that vowels, consonants, and numerics are each shuffled separately and retain their case.


Using this record as an example:

{ "first": "Root", "last": "Joltie", "ssn": "000-00-0000", "cc": "4929790943424701" }

Applying these directives:

mask-shuffle :first mask-shuffle :last mask-shuffle :ssn mask-shuffle :cc

results in this record:


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.