Copying Files from SFTP to GCS using SFTP Action Plugins

Below is a simple sample pipeline for copying data from an SFTP server to a GCS bucket using the SFTP Copy Action plugin:

{ "name": "sftp-poc_151", "description": "Data Pipeline Application", "artifact": { "name": "cdap-data-pipeline", "version": "6.4.0", "scope": "SYSTEM" }, "config": { "resources": { "memoryMB": 2048, "virtualCores": 1 }, "driverResources": { "memoryMB": 2048, "virtualCores": 1 }, "connections": [], "comments": [], "postActions": [], "properties": {}, "processTimingEnabled": true, "stageLoggingEnabled": false, "stages": [ { "name": "SFTPCopy2", "plugin": { "name": "SFTPCopy", "type": "action", "label": "SFTPCopy2", "artifact": { "name": "sftp-actions", "version": "1.5.1", "scope": "USER" }, "properties": { "host": "<sftp_server_host>", "port": "<sftp_server_ip>", "userName": "<username>", "Authentication": "password-select", "srcDirectory": ".", "destDirectory": "gs://<my_bucket>/<path_to_bucket_directory>", "variableNameHoldingFileList": "sftp.copied.file.names", "extractZipFiles": "false", "password": "<password>", "fileSystemProperties": ">,>,><gcp_project_id>,><gcs_bucket>,>uri-path,>/,>true" } }, "outputSchema": [ { "name": "etlSchemaBody", "schema": "" } ], "id": "SFTPCopy2", "type": "action", "label": "SFTPCopy2", "icon": "icon-FTPcopy" } ], "schedule": "0 * * * *", "engine": "spark", "numOfRecordsPreview": 100, "description": "Data Pipeline Application", "maxConcurrentRuns": 1 } }


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.