Changing the precision and scale for decimal fields in an output schema

Changing the precision and scale for decimal fields in an output schema

You can change the precision and scale for fields of the decimal data type.

To change the precision and scale for decimal fields in an output schema:

  1. In the Pipeline Studio, open the pipeline you want to edit.

  2. For the plugin you want to edit, click the Properties button.

  3. Go to the Output Schema and find the decimal field you want to change.

  4. Click the three dots next to the trash can icon:


  5. Change the precision and scale.


  6. Click Save.

Note for Oracle users: If there are any Numbers present in the decimal fields with the scale greater than the scale defined in the plugin, CDAP rounds the values. For example, if you specify precision=10, scale = 3 and the value 123.4567 comes in, CDAP rounds to 123.457.

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