Do I need to be a developer to use CDAP Pipelines?

It depends; if you are building data pipelines using the available plugins, then no. But if you want to implement a custom plugin, then you need to have knowledge of Java and the relevant CDAP APIs.

Are CDAP pipelines available in CDAP Sandbox mode?

It's part of the CDAP Sandbox.

On which public clouds does CDAP work?

Customers have CDAP running in AWS, GCE, and Azure.

If I have a question about a data pipeline I am building, how can I get help?

CDAP has an open source support system. It has a Google group where developers and users can ask questions, available at

If I have found an issue with CDAP pipelines, how can I report it?

You can use the open source JIRA system for CDAP, CDAP pipelines, and other projects. If you have a commercial CDAP subscription, the Cask support portal is available for customers to report issues.

I am interested in contributing to CDAP Pipelines; how can I get started?

CDAP is an open source project licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, though not currently part of the Apache Foundation. In order to contribute to CDAP, you may need to provide to Cask a signed ICLA or CCLA. The terms are open and very similar to the Apache Foundation. Contact Cask through the for more information.

I have a feature request for CDAP Pipelines; how can I get it added?

You can file a JIRA ticket for the feature request or, if you have a commercial CDAP subscription, you can use the support portal.

What should I do if I see any of these errors in the CDAP Studio User Interface?

In which order do plugin properties appear in the CDAP Studio?

The properties are specified as a list inside the configuration groups. Properties of the plugin will appear inside the group in the same order as they are listed.

What happens if I don't have a property of the plugin in the Widget JSON?

The CDAP Studio UI will create a separate group named 'Generic', add all properties as part of that group, and (by default) display all properties in a textbox widget.

What happens when I use an invalid widget in the Widget JSON?

In a case where the Widget JSON includes a non-existent (or unknown) widget, the CDAP Studio UI defaults to a textbox field.

My plugin is not showing up correctly in the CDAP Studio; what should I look at?

If you are not seeing the correct widget or the correct default value set in your widget's JSON file, check all the spelling of properties and their values in the widget JSON file.

In particular, check that all values of the properties widget-type and widget-attributes are spelled correctly. As these values are case-sensitive, errors can easily be made that can be hard to uncover in the UI itself.