
Note: Reports Microservices is currently a beta feature of CDAP 6.2.0, and is subject to change without notice.

Note: Reports Microservices is currently a beta feature of CDAP 6.2.0, and is subject to change without notice.

Reports provides administrators and developers a way to generate comprehensive report of program runs, specify filters based on various options such as namespaces, program status and type of program, within a given time range such as 24 hours or one week or a custom time range. You can also specify the columns that you would like to include in the generated report.

Reports are backed by the ReportGenerationApp system application, which is a Spark service (named ReportGenerationSpark) with endpoints to generate, list, view, download, share, save or delete reports.

All methods or endpoints described in this API have a base URL (typically http://<host>:11015 or https://<host>:10443) that precedes the resource identifier, as described in the Microservices Conventions. These methods return a status code, as listed in the Microservices Status Codes.

Generating Reports

POST /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports

With Request Json provided as part of the request body.

Request JSON with explanation of JSON fields:

  "name":<Name of the report>,


        // value filter
        // value filter
        // range filter
        "order":"ASCENDING (or) DESCENDING",

Example request JSON:

  "name":"Failed, Stopped, Running, Succeeded runs - Jul 23, 2018 00:00am to Jul 24, 2018 21:00pm",

On submitting this request, the backend asynchronously launches a spark job to process and generate the report. The immediate response contains the report id.

   "id": <report-id>

You can use this report-id to check the status of the report, if it is running, completed or failed using the info endpoint and download completed reports to get information using download endpoint.


Note: Currently sort cannot be performed on more than one field.

Note: Currently sort cannot be performed on more than one field.

Listing Reports

GET /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports

Query Param



offset to read reports from


limit on the number of reports to return

Response JSON with explanation for fields:


Example Response JSON:

        "name":"Failed, Succeeded, Running, Stopped runs - Jul 24, 2018 22:29pm to Jul 24, 2018 23:29pm",
        "name":"Failed, Succeeded, Running, Stopped runs - Jul 24, 2018 22:29pm to Jul 24, 2018 23:29pm",

Sharing Reports

On Authentication enabled clusters, reports are isolated by logged-in users who generated the reports, If you wish, you can generate an encrypted share-id for your report, that can be used by others to access the report.

POST /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/<report-id>/share

Response JSON:


Viewing Report Status

The info endpoint can be used to get the report status and summary for a report. It can be queried either by providing the report-id or by providing a share-id through query param.

GET using Report-Id : /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/info?report-id=<report-id>
GET using Share-Id : /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/info?share-id=<share-id>


For reports that are currently running, the response does not contain a report summary


For failed reports, the response contains the error information.

  "error" : <error-message>,

Downloading Report Contents

The download endpoint can be used to download the report contents. You can either provide a report id or a share id through a query parameter.

GET using report-id : /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/download?report-id=<report-id>
GET using share-id : /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/download?share-id=<share-id>


Example JSON response:


Saving Reports

By default reports expire after 2 weeks, however they can be saved by using the following Microservices endpoint:

POST /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/<report-id>/save

with request body containing the name and description for saving the report:

  "name" : <report-name>,
  "description" : <description-for-report>

Deleting Reports

Unneeded reports (whether generated or failed) can be deleted by making a call to the following endpoint:

DELETE /v3/namespaces/system/apps/ReportGenerationApp/spark/ReportGenerationSpark/methods/reports/<report-id>