CDAP has different naming conventions for different entities in CDAP. We distinguish these different character sets, and note which entities use them:

Alphanumeric Character Set

This is the basic character set that all entities support:

Alphanumeric Extended Character Set

Namespace IDs can use an alphanumeric extended character set:

Alphanumeric Extra Extended Character Set

Except as noted on this page, all other CDAP entities (such as apps and plugins) support an alphanumeric extra extended character set:

Note that datasets whose names begin with an underscore (_) will not be visible in the home page of the CDAP UI, although they will be visible elsewhere in the CDAP UI.

Dataset Character Set (Deprecated)

In earlier versions of CDAP, Dataset names used the alphanumeric extra extended character set, plus periods:

We recommend that instead you use the Alphanumeric Extra Extended Character Set, as support for this may be removed in the future.