The CDAP Java Client API provides methods for interacting with CDAP from Java applications.


Note: Datasets are deprecated and will be removed in CDAP 7.0.0.

Note: Datasets are deprecated and will be removed in CDAP 7.0.0.

Maven Dependency

To use the Java Client API in your project, add this Maven dependency:



The Java Client API allows you to interact with these CDAP components:

The above list links to the examples below for each portion of the API.

Configuring your *Client

Every *Client constructor requires a ClientConfig instance which configures the hostname and port of the CDAP instance that you wish to interact with.

In a non-secure (default) CDAP instance, instantiate as follows:

// Interact with the CDAP instance located at, port 11015
ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()
  .setConnectionConfig(new ConnectionConfig("", 11015, false))

In a secure CDAP instance, first pull in the cdap-authentication-client Maven dependency:


Then, instantiate as follows:

// Obtain AccessToken
AuthenticationClient authenticationClient = new BasicAuthenticationClient();
authenticationClient.setConnectionInfo("", 11015, sslEnabled);
// Configure the AuthenticationClient as documented in
AccessToken accessToken = authenticationClient.getAccessToken();

// Interact with the secure CDAP instance located at, port 11015, with the provided accessToken
ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder()
  .setConnectionConfig(new ConnectionConfig("", 11015, sslEnabled))


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
ApplicationClient appClient = new ApplicationClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch the list of applications
List<ApplicationRecord> apps = appClient.list(NamespaceId.DEFAULT);

// Deploy an application
File appJarFile = new File("your-app.jar");
appClient.deploy(NamespaceId.DEFAULT, appJarFile);

// Delete an application

// List programs belonging to an application


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
DatasetClient datasetClient = new DatasetClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch the list of datasets
List<DatasetSpecificationSummary> datasets = datasetClient.list(NamespaceId.DEFAULT);

// Create a dataset
DatasetId datasetId = NamespaceId.DEFAULT.dataset("someDataset");
datasetClient.create(datasetId, "someDatasetType");

// Truncate a dataset

// Delete a dataset


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
DatasetModuleClient datasetModuleClient = new DatasetModuleClient(clientConfig);

// Add a dataset module
File moduleJarFile = createAppJarFile(SomeDatasetModule.class);
DatasetModuleId datasetModuleId = NamespaceId.DEFAULT.datasetModule("someDatasetModule");
datasetModuleClient.add(datasetModuleId, SomeDatasetModule.class.getName(), moduleJarFile);

// Fetch the dataset module information
DatasetModuleMeta datasetModuleMeta = datasetModuleClient.get(datasetModuleId);

// Delete all dataset modules


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
DatasetTypeClient datasetTypeClient = new DatasetTypeClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch the dataset type information using the type name
DatasetTypeMeta datasetTypeMeta = datasetTypeClient.get(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.datasetType("someDatasetType"));

// Fetch the dataset type information using the classname
datasetTypeMeta = datasetTypeClient.get(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.datasetType(SomeDataset.class.getName()));


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
MetricsClient metricsClient = new MetricsClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch the total number of requests that have been processed by a service
RuntimeMetrics metric = metricsClient.getServiceMetrics("SportResults").service("RetrieveCounts"));
long processed = metric.getProcessed();


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
MonitorClient monitorClient = new MonitorClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch the list of system services
List<SystemServiceMeta> services = monitorClient.listSystemServices();

// Fetch status of system transaction service
String serviceStatus = monitorClient.getSystemServiceStatus("transaction");

// Fetch the number of instances of the system transaction service
int systemServiceInstances = monitorClient.getSystemServiceInstances("transaction");

// Set the number of instances of the system transaction service
monitorClient.setSystemServiceInstances("transaction", 1);


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
PreferencesClient preferencesClient = new PreferencesClient(clientConfig);

Map<String, String> propMap = Maps.newHashMap();
propMap.put("k1", "v1");

// Set preferences at the Instance level

// Get preferences at the Instance level
Map<String, String> currentPropMap = preferencesClient.getInstancePreferences();

// Delete preferences at the Instance level

// Set preferences of MyApp application which is deployed in the Dev namespace
preferencesClient.setApplicationPreferences(new NamespaceId("Dev").app("MyApp"), propMap);

// Get only the preferences of MyApp application which is deployed in the Dev namespace
Map<String, String> appPrefs = preferencesClient.getApplicationPreferences(new NamespaceId("Dev").app("MyApp"), false);

// Get the resolved preferences (collapsed with higher level(s) of preferences)
Map<String, String> resolvedAppPrefs = preferencesClient.getApplicationPreferences(new NamespaceId("Dev").app("MyApp"), true);


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
ProgramClient programClient = new ProgramClient(clientConfig);

// Start a service in the WordCount example

// formatted in JSON

// Fetch program logs in the WordCount example
programClient.getProgramLogs("WordCount").service("RetrieveCounts"), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);

// Scale a service in the SportResults example
programClient.setServiceInstances("SportResults").service("UploadService"), 3);

// Stop a service in the SportResults example


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch service information using the service in the PurchaseApp example
ServiceSpecification serviceSpec = serviceClient.get("PurchaseApp").service("CatalogLookup"));


ClientConfig clientConfig;

// Construct the client used to interact with CDAP
StreamClient streamClient = new StreamClient(clientConfig);

// Fetch the stream list
List streams = streamClient.list(NamespaceId.DEFAULT);

// Create a stream, using the Purchase example
StreamId streamId ="purchases");

// Fetch a stream's properties
StreamProperties config = streamClient.getConfig(streamId);

// Send events to a stream
streamClient.sendEvent(streamId, "Tom bought 5 apples for $10");

// Read all events from a stream (results in events)
List<StreamEvent> events = Lists.newArrayList();
streamClient.getEvents(streamId, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, events);

// Read first 5 events from a stream (results in events)
events = Lists.newArrayList();
streamClient.getEvents(streamId, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, 5, events);

// Read 2nd and 3rd events from a stream, after first calling getEvents
long startTime = events.get(1).getTimestamp();
long endTime = events.get(2).getTimestamp() + 1;
streamClient.getEvents(streamId, startTime, endTime, Integer.MAX_VALUE, events);

// Write asynchronously to a stream
streamId ="testAsync");
events = Lists.newArrayList();


// Send 10 async writes
int msgCount = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; i++) {
  streamClient.asyncSendEvent(streamId, "Testing " + i);

// Read them back; need to read it multiple times as the writes happen asynchronously
while (events.size() != msgCount) {
  streamClient.getEvents(streamId, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, msgCount, events);

// Check that there are no more events
while (events.isEmpty()) {
  streamClient.getEvents(streamId, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, msgCount, events);