Plugin version: 0.22.0

This source reads from a Google Cloud Spanner table. Cloud Spanner is a fully managed, mission-critical, relational database service that offers transactional consistency at global scale, schemas, SQL (ANSI 2011 with extensions), and automatic, synchronous replication for high availability.


If the plugin is run on a Google Cloud Dataproc cluster, the service account key does not need to be provided and can be set to 'auto-detect'. Credentials will be automatically read from the cluster environment.

If the plugin is not run on a Dataproc cluster, the path to a service account key must be provided. The service account key can be found on the Dashboard in the Cloud Platform Console. Make sure the account key has permission to access Google Cloud Spanner. The service account key file needs to be available on every node in your cluster and must be readable by all users running the job.



Macro Enabled?

Version Introduced


Use Connection



Optional. Whether to use an existing connection. If you use a connection, connection related properties do not appear in the plugin properties.




Optional. Name of the connection to use. Project and service account information will be provided by the connection. You can also use the macro function ${conn(connection_name)}

Project ID


Google Cloud Project ID, which uniquely identifies a project. It can be found on the Dashboard in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Service Account Type



Optional. Select one of the following options:

  • File Path. File path where the service account is located.

  • JSON. JSON content of the service account.

Service Account File Path


Optional. Path on the local file system of the service account key used for authorization. Can be set to 'auto-detect' when running on a Dataproc cluster. When running on other clusters, the file must be present on every node in the cluster.

Default is auto-detect.

Service Account JSON



Optional. Content of the service account.

Reference Name


Required. Name used to uniquely identify this source for lineage, annotating metadata, etc.

Instance ID


Required. Instance the Spanner database belongs to. Spanner instance is contained within a specific project. Instance is an allocation of resources that is used by Cloud Spanner databases created in that instance.

Database Name


Required. Database the Spanner table belongs to. Spanner database is contained within a specific Spanner instance.

Table Name


Required. Table to read from. A table contains individual records organized in rows. Each record is composed of columns (also called fields). Every table is defined by a schema that describes the column names, data types, and other information.

Import Query



Optional. The SELECT query to use to import data from the specified table.

Max Partitions


Optional. Maximum number of partitions. This may be set to the number of map tasks desired. The maximum value is currently 200,000. This is only a hint. The actual number of partitions returned may be smaller or larger than this maximum count request.

Partition Size (Megabytes)


Optional. Partition size in megabytes. The desired data size for each partition generated. This is only a hint. The actual size of each partition may be smaller or larger than this size request. More information about partition options can be found at

Output Schema


Schema of the Spanner table to read. When Import Query is used and column name is not in the metadata table the field will be nullable.