The HASH directive generates a message digest.


hash :column 'algorithm' [encode (true/false)]

The column is the name of the column to which the hashing <algorithm> is applied.

If encode is set to true, the hashed digest is encoded as hex with left-padding zeroes. By default, encode is set to true. To disable hex encoding, set encode to false.

Usage Notes

The HASH directive, when applied on a column, will replace the content of the column with the message hash. No new columns are created with the application of this directive.

These algorithms are supported by the HASH directive:


Using this record as an example:

  "message": "secret message"

Applying this directive:

hash :message 'SHA3-384'

generates a message digest and replaces the column with it:

  "message": "9cc25835d1ef78b4cd8b36a0c4ad636a6094fbb944b1d880f21c7129a645e819d3be987e8ae2f0f8d6cbebb8452419ef"

The column message is replaced with the digest created using the SHA3-384 algorithm. The type of column is a string.

Note: By default, encoding is on. When encode is set to false, the output column type is a byte array.