These plugins are shipped with CDAP, both in the CDAP Sandbox and Distributed CDAP:

Some plugins are installed by default and others are available in the Hub. Plugins installed by default are system plugins and available to all namespaces. Plugins deployed from the Hub are user plugins and are available in the namespace where they were deployed.

Plugin notes

Exploring plugin details

Details on the available plugins and the required properties for sources, analytics, transformations (transforms), sinks, and other plugin types can be obtained and explored using:

Creating custom plugins

If these plugins don't meet your requirements, you can create a custom plugin.

If you are creating a custom plugin that extends the existing system artifacts, its name should not collide with existing names, for ease-of-use in the CDAP UI and Pipeline Studio. You are free to create your own plugin and plugin-type, depending on the functionality you are adding or requiring.