There is one simple interface for developing your customized directive. The simple interface io.cdap.wrangler.api.Directive can be used for developing user defined directive.

Simple API

Building a UDD with the simpler UDD API involves nothing more than writing a class with four function (evaluate) and few annotations. Here is an example:

@Plugin(type = UDD.Type)
@Categories(categories = {"example", "simple"})
@Description("My first simple user defined directive")
public SimpleUDD implements Directive {
  public static final String NAME = "my-simple-udd";
  public UsageDefinition define() {
  public void initialize(Arguments args) throws DirectiveParseException {
  public List<Row> execute(List<Row> rows, ExecutorContext context) throws RecipeException, ErrorRowException {
  public void destroy() {

The following is detailed explanation for the above code:

Testing a simple UDD

Because the UDD is a simple three functions class, you can test it with regular testing tools, like JUnit.

public class SimpleUDDTest {

  public void testSimpleUDD() throws Exception {
    TestRecipe recipe = new TestRecipe();
    recipe("parse-as-csv :body ',';");
    recipe("drop :body;");
    recipe("rename :body_1 :simpledata;");
    recipe("!my-simple-udd ...");
    TestRows rows = new TestRows();
    rows.add(new Row("body", "root,joltie,mars avenue"));
    RecipePipeline pipeline = TestingRig.pipeline(RowHash.class, recipe);
    List<Row> actual = pipeline.execute(rows.toList());

Building a UDD Plugin

There is nothing much to be done here, this example repository includes a maven POM file that is pre-configured for building the directive JAR. All that a developer does it build the project using the following command.

  mvn clean package

This would generate two files:

Deploying Plugin

There are multiple ways the custom directive can be deployed to CDAP. The two popular ways are through using CDAP CLI (command line interface) and CDAP UI.


In order to deploy the directive through CLI. Start the CDAP CLI and use the load artifact command to load the plugin artifact into CDAP.

$ $CDAP_HOME/bin/cdap cli
cdap > load artifact my-simple-udd-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar config-file my-simple-udd-1.0-SNAPSHOT.json


alt text


Let’s walk through the creation of a user defined directive(udd) called text-reverse that takes one argument: Column Name. Tt's the name of the column in a Row that needs to be reversed. The resulting row will have the Column Name specified in the input have reversed string of characters.

 text-reverse :address
 text-reverse :id

Here is the implementation of the above UDD.

@Plugin(type = UDD.Type)
@Categories(categories = {"text-manipulation"})
@Description("Reverses the column value")
public final class TextReverse implements UDD {
  public static final String NAME = "text-reverse";
  private String column;
  public UsageDefinition define() {
    UsageDefinition.Builder builder = UsageDefinition.builder(NAME);
    builder.define("column", TokenType.COLUMN_NAME);
  public void initialize(Arguments args) throws DirectiveParseException {
    this.column = ((ColumnName) args.value("column").value();
  public List<Row> execute(List<Row> rows, ExecutorContext context) throws RecipeException, ErrorRowException {
    for(Row row : rows) {
      int idx = row.find(column);
      if (idx != -1) {
        Object object = row.getValue(idx);
        if (object instanceof String) {
          String value = (String) object;
          row.setValue(idx, new StringBuffer(value).reverse().toString());
    return rows;
  public void destroy() {
    // no-op

Code Walk Through


The following annotations are required for the plugin. If any of these are missing, the plugin or the directive will not be loaded.

Call Pattern

The call pattern of UDD is the following :


The following is the JUnit class that couldn't be any simpler.

  public void testBasicReverse() throws Exception {
    TestRecipe recipe = new TestRecipe();
    recipe.add("parse-as-csv :body ',';");
    recipe.add("set-headers :a,:b,:c;");
    recipe.add("text-reverse :b");

    TestRows rows = new TestRows();
    rows.add(new Row("body", "root,joltie,mars avenue"));
    rows.add(new Row("body", "joltie,root,venus blvd"));

    RecipePipeline pipeline = TestingRig.pipeline(TextReverse.class, recipe);
    List<Row> actual = pipeline.execute(rows.toList());

    Assert.assertEquals(2, actual.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("eitloj", actual.get(0).getValue("b"));
    Assert.assertEquals("toor", actual.get(1).getValue("b"));