The MASK-NUMBER directive applies substitution masking on the column values.


mask-number :columm 'mask'

Usage Notes

Substitution masking is generally used for masking credit card or social security numbers. The MASK-NUMBER applies substitution masking on the column values. This type of masking is fixed masking, where the pattern is applied on the fixed length string.

These rules are used for the pattern:


Using this record as an example:

  "first": "Root",
  "last": "Joltie",
  "ssn": "000-00-0000",
  "cc": "4929790943424701"

Applying this directive:

mask-number ssn XXX-XX-####

results in this record:

  "first": "Root",
  "last": "Joltie",
  "ssn": "XXX-XX-0000",
  "cc": "4929790943424701"

Applying this directive:

mask-number cc XXXXXXXXXXXX####

results in this record:

  "first": "Root",
  "last": "Joltie",
  "ssn": "000-00-0000",
  "cc": "XXXXXXXXXXXX4701"