Use this connection to access data in Spanner.


Macro Enabled?




Required. Name of the connection. Connection names must be unique in a namespace. Connection names can only include letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens.



Optional. Description of the connection.

Project ID


Required. Google Cloud Project ID, which uniquely identifies a project. It can be found on the Dashboard in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Default is auto-detect.

Service Account Type


Required. Select one of the following options:

  • File Path. File path where the service account is located.

  • JSON. JSON content of the service account.

Service Account File Path


Required. Path on the local file system of the service account key used for authorization. Can be set to 'auto-detect' when running on a Dataproc cluster. When running on other clusters, the file must be present on every node in the cluster.

Default is auto-detect.

Service Account JSON


Required. Content of the service account.

Path of the connection

To browse, get a sample from, or get the specification for this connection through Pipeline Microservices, the path property is required in the request body. It can be in the following form:

  1. /{instance}/{database}/{table} This path indicates a table. A table is the only one that can be sampled. Browse on this path to return the specified table.

  2. /{instance}/{database} This path indicates a database. A database cannot be sampled. Browse on this path to get all the tables under this database.

  3. /{instance} This path indicates a instance. A instance cannot be sampled. Browse on this path to get all the databases under this instance.

  4. / This path indicates the root. A root cannot be sampled. Browse on this path to get all the instances visible through this connection.