An n-gram is a sequence of n tokens (typically words) for some integer n.NGram can be used to transform input features into n-grams.
Transform input features(tokens in array form) into n-grams using parameter for number of terms in each n-gram. Transformed output will be an array of n-grams where each n-gram is represented by a space-delimited string of n consecutive words.
User Stories
As a Hydrator user,I want to transfom the data in a column from source schema and output the n-grams into output schema which will have a single column having n-gram data.
As a Hydrator user I want to have configuration for specifying the column name from input schema on which transformation has to be performed.
As a Hydrator user I want to have configuration to specify the no of terms which would be used for transformation of input features.
As a Hydrator user I want to have configuration to specify output column name wherein ngrams will be emitted.
Source field ,to be transformed,can be of only array type.
User can transform single column only from the source schema.
Output schema will have a single column of type string array.
Input source:
Mandatory inputs from user:
Column to be used to transform input features into n-grams:”tokens”
No of terms in each n-gram:”2”
Transformed column for sequence of n-gram:”ngrams”
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**columnToBeTransformed:** Column to be used to transform input features into n-grams.
**noOfTerms:** No of terms in each n-gram.
**outputColumn:** Transformed column for sequence of n-gram.