This is a source plugin that would allow users to read and process mainframe files defined using COBOL Copy Book. This should be basic first implementation.
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Examples and guides- Integration tests
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- Short video demonstrating the feature
It’s basically used for reading flat file or dataset that is generated on a z/OS IBM mainframe based on a fixed length COBOL copybook. This will also work on AS/400 computers. So, if a customer has flat files on HDFS that can be parsed using simple COBOL copybook then applying the copybook one is able to read the file and it’s fields easily.
Supports only fixed length binary format that matches the copybook
Binary data should be converted to Base64 encoded
First implementation will not be able to handle complex nested structures of COBOL copybook
Also will not handle Redefines or iterators in the structure.
Supports compressed files - Native Compressed Codec
User should be able to copy paste or provide a file that gets loaded into text section for COBOL copybook
User should have the ability to select the fields that one wants into the output schema. So he should be able to specify the field.
Input Format implementation : here
Properties :
cobolFilePath : hdfs path of .cbl file to be read
binaryFilePath : hdfs path of .bin file to be read
isCompressed : check if it is a compressed file.User can also specify a Native Compressed Codec as input.
outputSchema : list of fields in the output file
Example :
"name": "CopyBookReader",
"plugin": {
"name": "CopyBookReader",
"type": "batchsource",
"properties": {
"cobolFilePath": "/data/sales/sales.cbl",
"binaryFilePath" "/data/sales/sale.bin"
"isCompressed" : "true/false",
"outputSchema" : {},
"uploadFileProperties": {}
This source plugin will read fixed length flat file sale.bin and the CobolCopyBook file stored at the hdfs location hdfs://data/sales/sales.bin and hdfs://data/sales/sales.cbl respectively. The plugin will output a Base64 encoded data having the schema as defined by the user.
Sample .cbl file:
000700* RECORD LENGTH IS 27.
000900 03 DTAR020-KCODE-STORE-KEY.
001000 05 DTAR020-KEYCODE-NO PIC X(08).
001100 05 DTAR020-STORE-NO PIC S9(03) COMP-3.
001200 03 DTAR020-DATE PIC S9(07) COMP-3.
001300 03 DTAR020-DEPT-NO PIC S9(03) COMP-3.
001400 03 DTAR020-QTY-SOLD PIC S9(9) COMP-3.
001500 03 DTAR020-SALE-PRICE PIC S9(9)V99 COMP-3.
The source plugin will read the above file as well as the data present in the .bin file and generate Base64 encoded output. The schema for the output will depend on the output schema as defined by the user.
Sample Base64 encoded output: