Deployment Architectures: Minimal and high availability, highly scalable deployments.
Hadoop Compatibility: The Hadoop/HBase environment that CDAP requires.
CDAP and Hadoop Compatibility: The different versions of CDAP and the Hadoop distributions they work with.
System Requirements: Hardware, memory, core, and network requirements, software prerequisites, and using CDAP with firewalls.
Installation: Installation and configuration instructions for either specific distributions using a distribution manager or generic Apache Hadoop clusters using RPM or Debian Package Managers:
Amazon Hadoop (EMR): Installing on Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce).
Manual Installation using Packages Installing on generic Apache Hadoop clusters.
Replication Covers the replication of CDAP clusters from a master to one or more slave clusters
Verification: How to verify the CDAP installation on your Hadoop cluster by using an example application and health checks.Incompatibilities with 5.x clusters: What are various incompatibilities with 5.x clusters.
Upgrading: Instructions for upgrading both CDAP and its underlying Hadoop distribution.
Security: CDAP supports securing clusters using a perimeter security, authorization, impersonation, SSL for system services, and secure storage. This section describes enabling, configuring, and testing security. It also provides example configuration files.
Appendix: Minimal cdap-site.xml: Minimal required configuration for a CDAP installation
Appendix: cdap-site.xml: Default properties for a CDAP installation
Appendix: cdap-security.xml: Default security properties for a CDAP installation
Appendix: HBaseDDLExecutor: Example implementation and description for replication