PLUGIN-954: In the BigQuery Execute action plugin, added a property Store Results in a BigQuery Table in the UI, which hides the destination table related properties by default.
Known Issues
CDAP-19622: Upgrade for replication jobs is broken. We recommend not upgrading replication jobs to 6.7.1.
Secure Macros
CDAP-20271: Pipelines fail when they use a connection that includes a secure macro and the secure macro has JSON as the value (for example, the Service Account property).
Use one of the following workarounds:
(1) For existing, running pipelines, create a new secure key for the connection and escape all the quotes in the secure macro JSON. Then edit the connection to use the new secure key JSON. Note: If you use this approach, browsing and sampling in Wrangler, and other places that directly use the secure macro will start to fail.
(2) Do not use the connection with the secure macro when you run the pipeline.
To remove the connection, follow these steps:
Duplicate the deployed pipeline.
In the Pipeline Studio, for each plugin that uses the connection, turn off the connection and then edit the Service Account property to include the secure macro.