Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Macro Enabled?



Reference Name


Required. Name used to uniquely identify this source for lineage, annotating metadata, etc.



Required. Url to fetch to the first page. The url must start with a protocol (e.g. http://).

HTTP Method


Required. HTTP request method.



Optional. Headers to send with each HTTP request.

Request Body


Optional. Body to send with each HTTP request.

Max Pages Per Fetch


Optional. Maximum number of pages put to RDD in one blocking reading. Empty value means that the maximum is not enforced.




Required. Format of the HTTP response. This determines how the response is converted into output records. Possible values are:

  • JSON. Retrieves all records from the given json path and transforms them into records according to the mapping.

  • XML. Retrieves all records from the given XPath and transforms them into records according to the mapping.

  • TSV. Tab separated values. Columns are mapped to record fields in the order they are listed in schema.

  • CSV. Comma separated values. Columns are mapped to record fields in the order they are listed in schema.

  • Text. Transforms a single line of text into a single record with a string field body containing the result.

  • BLOB. Transforms the entire response into a single record with a byte array field body containing the result.

Default is json.

JSON/XML Result Path


Optional. Path to the results. When the format is XML, this is an XPath. When the format is JSON, this is a JSON path.

For examples, see below.

JSON/XML Fields Mapping


Optional. Mapping of fields in a record to fields in retrieved element. The left column contains the name of schema field. The right column contains path to it within a relative to an element. It can be either XPath or JSON path.

For an example, see below.

CSV Skip First Row


Optional. Whether to skip the first row of the HTTP response. This is usually set if the first row is a header row.

Default is false.


OAuth2 Enabled


Required. If true, plugin will perform OAuth2 authentication.

Default is False.

Auth URL


Optional. Endpoint for the authorization server used to retrieve the authorization code.

Token URL


Optional. Endpoint for the resource server, which exchanges the authorization code for an access token.

Client ID


Optional. Client identifier obtained during the Application registration process.

Client Secret


Optional. Client secret obtained during the Application registration process.



Optional. Scope of the access request, which might have multiple space-separated values.

Refresh Token


Optional. Token used to receive accessToken, which is end product of OAuth2.

HTTP Proxy

Proxy URL



Error Handling

HTTP Errors Handling


Optional. Defines the error handling strategy to use for certain HTTP response codes. The left column contains a regular expression for HTTP status code. The right column contains an action which is done in case of match. If HTTP status code matches multiple regular expressions, the first specified in mapping is matched.

For an example, see below.

Non-HTTP Error Handling


Required. Error handling strategy to use when the HTTP response cannot be transformed to an output record. Possible values are:

  • Stop on error. Fails pipeline due to erroneous record.

  • Skip on error. Ignores erroneous records.

Default is Stop on error.

Retry Policy


Required. Policy used to calculate delay between retries.

Default is Exponential.

Linear Retry Interval


Optional. Interval between retries. Is only used if retry policy is “linear”.

Default is 30.

Max Retry Duration


Required. Maximum time in seconds retries can take.

Default is 600.

Connect Timeout


Required. Maximum time in seconds connection initialization is allowed to take.

Default is 120.

Read Timeout


Required. Maximum time in seconds fetching data from the server is allowed to take.

Default is 120.


When there is pagination, the plugin reads pages in order, keeping track of which pages have already been read. It will not reprocess any page it has already read. When there is no pagination, it periodically polls the same page.

Pagination Type


Required. Strategy used to determine how to get next page. You can select one of the following pagination types:

  • None.

  • Link in response header.

  • Link in response body.

  • Token in response body.

  • Increment an Index.

  • Custom.

Default is None.

Pagination Type: None


Only single page is loaded.

Wait Time Between Pages (milliseconds)


Optional. Time in milliseconds to wait between HTTP requests for the next page.

Default is 0.

Pagination Type: Link in response header


In response there is a “Link” header, which contains a url marked as “next”. Example:

Code Block
; rel="first",
; rel="next",
; rel="last"`

Pagination Type: Link in response body


Every page contains a next page url. This pagination type is only supported for JSON and XML formats. Pagination happens until no next page field is present or until page contains no elements.

Next Page JSON/XML Field Path


Optional. A JSON path or an XPath to a field which contains next page url. It can be either relative or absolute url.

Example page response:

Code Block
  "results": [
  "_links": {
    "self": "",
    "next": "/rest/api/space/ADMINJIRASERVER0710/content/page?limit=100&start=100",
    "base": "",
    "context": ""

Next page field path is _links/next.

Pagination Type: Token in response body


Every page contains a token, which is appended as a url parameter to obtain next page. This type of pagination is only supported for JSON and XML formats. Pagination happens until no next page token is present on the page or until page contains no elements.

Next Page Token Path


A JSON path or an XPath to a field which contains next page token.

Next Page Url Parameter


A parameter which is appended to url in order to specify next page token.

Example plugin config:

Code Block
  "url": "",
  "resultPath": "/items"
  "paginationType": "Token in response body",
  "nextPageTokenPath": "/nextPageToken",
  "nextPageUrlParameter": "pageToken"

First page response:

Code Block
 "nextPageToken": "CAEQAA",
 "pageInfo": {
  "totalResults": 208,
  "resultsPerPage": 2
 "items": [

Next page fetched by plugin will be url with &pageToken=CAEQAA appended.

Pagination Type: Increment an Index


Pagination by incrementing a {pagination.index} placeholder value in url. For this pagination type url is required to contain above placeholder.

Start Index


Start value of {pagination.index} placeholder.

Max Index


Maximum value of {pagination.index} placeholder. If empty, pagination will happen until the page with no elements.

Index Increment


A value which the {pagination.index} placeholder is incremented by. Increment can be negative.

Pagination Type: Custom


Pagination using user provided code. The code decides how to retrieve a next page url based on previous page contents and headers and when to finish pagination.

Custom Pagination Python Code


A code which implements retrieving a next page url based on previous page contents and headers.

Example code:

Code Block
import json

def get_next_page_url(url, page, headers):
    Based on previous page data generates next page url, when "Custom pagination" is enabled.

        url (string): previous page url
        page (string): a body of previous page
        headers (dict): a dictionary of headers from previous page

    page_json = json.loads(page)
    next_page_num = page_json['nextpage']

    # stop the iteration
    if next_page_num == None or next_page_num > 5:
      return None

    return "{}".format(next_page_num)

The above code iterates over first five pages of results. When ‘None’ is returned the iteration is stopped.


Verify HTTPS Trust Certificates


Required. If false, untrusted trust certificates (e.g. self signed), will not lead to an error. Do not disable this in production environment on a network you do not entirely trust. Especially public internet.

Default is True.

Keystore File


Optional. A path to a file which contains keystore.

Keystore Type


Optional. Format of a keystore.

Default is Java KeyStore (JKS).

Keystore Password


Optional. Password for a keystore. If a keystore is not password protected leave it empty.

Keystore Key Algorithm


Optional. An algorithm used for keystore.

Default is SUNX509.

TrustStore File


Optional. A path to a file which contains truststore.

TrustStore Type


Optional. Format of a truststore.

Default is Java KeyStore (JKS).

TrustStore Password


Optional. Password for a truststore. If a truststore is not password protected leave it empty.

TrustStore Key Algorithm


Optional. An algorithm used for truststore.

Default is SUNX509.

Transport Protocols


Optional. Transport protocols which are allowed for connection.

Default is TLSv1.2.

Cipher Suites


Optional. Cipher suites which are allowed for connection. Colons, commas or spaces are also acceptable separators.
