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Google Sheets plugins will allow users to import data from Google Sheets into their pipeline, so that they can transform and enrich with other data sources.

User Storie(s)

  • As a pipeline developer, I want to import data from Google Sheets, so that I can transform and enrich it using CDAP
  • As a pipeline developer, I want to move all sheets from a given Google drive directory to a destination
  • As a pipeline developer, I want to be able to pick certain sheets from a particular sheet to process using CDAP, so that I do not have to process all sheets all the time. I want to be able to specify the sheet using the sheet name or number.
  • As a pipeline developer, I want to treat the first row of a sheet as a header, so that CDAP can automatically treat it as schema
  • As a pipeline developer, I want to be able to specify a section at the top of my Sheet as a header, so that it is extracted as metadata, and not as actual data
  • As a pipeline developer, I want to be able to specify a section at the bottom of my sheet as a footer, so that it is extracted as metadata, and not as actual data

Plugin Type

  •  Batch Source
  •  Batch Sink 
  •  Real-time Source
  •  Real-time Sink
  •  Action
  •  Post-Run Action
  •  Aggregate
  •  Join
  •  Spark Model
  •  Spark Compute



This section defines properties that are configurable for this plugin. 

SectionUser Facing NameTypeDescriptionOptionalConstraints
App IdstringNo
Access tokenstringNo
Directory IdstringDirectory ID is the last part of the URL, such as
A filter

Filter that can be applied to the files in the selected directory. Filters follow


the Google Drive

Filter SyntaxAdvancedHeader selectionRadio buttonsChoose between No Headers, Treat first row as header, Custom header row. Defaults to Treat first row as header.YesHeader row numberNumberOnly shown when the header selection is set to Custom header. Accepts the row number of the row to be treated as a header. Defaults to 0.YesCapture metadataToggleDetermines if a certain section of the sheet should be treated as metadataYesMetadata sectionMetadataKeyValueDetermines the section of the files to be treated as metadata. Only shown if Capture Metadata is set to true. Useful to specify certain sections (e.g. header or footer) of the file as metadata. Presented as key-value pairs, whereYesCustom footer last rowNumberOnly shown when the footer selection is set to Custom footer. Accepts the row number of the last row to be treated as a header.Yes

filters syntax.

Modification date range
StringIn addition to the filter specified above, also filter files to only pull those that were modified between the date range. Defaults to last year.YesSheets to pullmulti-selectSelect from a list of sheets to pull. Defaults to all.Yes

Filter that narrows set of files by modified date range. User can select either among predefined or custom entered ranges. For Custom selection the dates range can be specified via Start date and End date.

Start dateString

Start date for custom modification date range. Is shown only when 'Custom' range is selected for 'Modification date range' field. RFC3339 ( format, default timezone is UTC, e.g., 2012-06-04T12:00:00-08:00.

End dateString

End date for custom modification date range. Is shown only when 'Custom' range is selected for 'Modification date range' field. RFC3339 ( format, default timezone is UTC, e.g., 2012-06-04T12:00:00-08:00.

Sheets to pullSelect

Filter for specifying set of sheets to process. For numbers or titles selections user can populate specific values in Sheets identifiers field. Default is all value.

Sheets identifiersCSV

Set of sheets' numbers/titles to process. Is shown only when titles or numbers are selected for Sheets to pull field.


Authentication typeRadio-group

Defines the authentication type. OAuth2 and Service account types are available.

Client IDStringOAuth2 client id. Is shown only when 'OAuth2' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.Yes
Client secretStringOAuth2 client secret. Is shown only when 'OAuth2' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.Yes
Refresh tokenStringOAuth2 refresh token. Is shown only when 'OAuth2' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.Yes
Account file path

Path on the local file system of the user/service account key used for authorization. Is shown only when 'Service account' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.
Can be set to 'auto-detect' when running on a Dataproc cluster, then plugin uses value of environment variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS". 
When running on other clusters, the file must be present on every node in the cluster.
Service account json can be generated on Google Cloud Service Account page

RetryingMax Retry CountNumberMaximum number of retry attempts.Yes10
Max Retry WaitNumberMaximum wait time for attempt in seconds.Yes500
Max Retry Jitter WaitNumberMaximum additional wait time is milliseconds.Yes100
Metadata extractionExtract metadataToggle

Field to enable metadata extraction. Metadata extraction is useful when user wants to specify a header or a footer for a sheet. The rows in headers and footers are not available as data records. Instead, they are available in every record as a field called 'metadata', "which is a record of the specified metadata.

Metadata record nameStringName of the record with metadata content. It is needed to distinguish metadata record from possible column with the same name.Yesmetadata
First header rowNumberRow number of the first row to be treated as header.Yes
Last header rowNumberRow number of the last row to be treated as header.Yes
First footer rowNumberRow number of the first row to be treated as footer.Yes
Last footer rowNumberRow number of the last row to be treated as footer.Yes
Metadata cellsKeyValue

Set of the cells for key-value pairs to extract as metadata from the specified metadata sections. Only shown if Extract metadata is set to true. The cell numbers should be within the header or footer.

E.g. A1 → B5, A5 → C4

AdvancedNumeric formattingRadio buttons

Output format for numeric sheet cells. In Formatted values case the value will contain appropriate format of source cell e.g. '1.23$', '123%'. For Values only only number value will be returned.

Skip empty dataToggleField to allow skipping of empty structure records.Nofalse
Column Names Selection
Radio buttonsSource for column names. Choose between "No column names", "Treat first row as column names", "Custom row as column names" Defaults to "Treat first row as column names".Yes
Custom row for column namesNumber

Row number of the row to be treated as a header. Only shown when the Column Names Selection field is set to Custom row as column names header.

Last data column
NumberLast column number of the maximal field of plugin work for data.Yes
Last data rowNumberLast row number of the maximal field of plugin work for data.

Note: The data in the specified header and footer rows should not be available as records to the rest of the pipeline. It should be stored as metadata. 


SectionUser Facing NameTypeDescriptionOptionalConstraints
App IdstringNoAccess tokenstringNoBasicDirectory IdstringDirectory ID is the last part of the URL, such as

Sheet namestringName of the sheet. Defaults to Sheet 1Yes

Write first row as headersToggleIf true, the schema is written as the first row of the sheet. Defaults to True.Yes

Merge data cellsToggleField to choose of merging for non-array cells after array flattening.Yes

Authentication typeRadio-group

Defines the authentication type. OAuth2 and Service account types are available.

Client IDStringOAuth2 client id. Is shown only when 'OAuth2' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.Yes
Client secretStringOAuth2 client secret. Is shown only when 'OAuth2' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.Yes
Refresh tokenStringOAuth2 refresh token. Is shown only when 'OAuth2' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.YesFormat for nested dataselectChoose amongst JSON, CSV. Format to serialize complex (nested) data as. Defaults to JSON.Yes
Account file path

Path on the local file system of the user/service account key used for authorization. Is shown only when 'Service account' auth type is selected for 'Authentication type' property.
Can be set to 'auto-detect' when running on a Dataproc cluster, then plugin uses value of environment variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS". 
When running on other clusters, the file must be present on every node in the cluster.
Service account json can be generated on Google Cloud Service Account page


Max Retry CountNumberMaximum number of retry attempts.Yes10
Max Retry WaitNumberMaximum wait time for attempt in seconds.Yes500
Max Retry Jitter WaitNumberMaximum additional wait time is milliseconds.Yes100

Note: Incoming records should be written to columns in the sheet

Design / Implementation Tips

  • Tip #1
  • Tip #2




  • One structure record per sheet's row.
  • Single spreadsheet file per split.
  • Schema is defined by data from sheets.
  • Custom column names should not be empty, empty columns are skipped.
  • Row numbers are counted from 1.


  • Single file per input structure record.




Google Sheets Source plugin reads spreadsheet files from specified Google Drive folder via Sheets API.

Each structure record represents single row of some sheet from spreadsheet, also it may contain metadata from metadata rows the same for all data rows of the sheet.

The plugin separates each input spreadsheet file into separate split.

The out scheme is auto-generated by plugin. It mandatory contains spreadsheet name, sheet title and set of column values, also there can be a metadata record which is optional. Data formats for cells are getting from the first data row of the first suitable sheet of the first spreadsheet which was found. In the case the first data row is empty the data formats will be set to String by default.

First data row is defined as first one after custom column names row or after last header row.

Last data row is bounded by one of the following values (the lowest is used):

  • Last data row property value set by user;
  • the row before First footer row (when is set);
  • last row of the sheet (1000 is the default value, may be greater).

Data types transforming:

Google Sheets typeBatch source plugin output scheme type
Doubledouble/string in dependence of formatting settings
Time and time intervalslong*
Date timetimestamp

* CDAP does not have any logical type for time intervals (Scheme.LogicalType.TIME_MILLIS/TIME_MICROS supports only intervals less than a day), so long type is used for number of milliseconds for time of a day/time interval.





Future Work

  • Some future work – HYDRATOR-99999
  • Another future work – HYDRATOR-99999

Test Case(s)

  • Test case #1
  • Test case #2

Sample Pipeline

Please attach one or more sample pipeline(s) and associated data. 

Pipeline #1

Pipeline #2

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


  •  User stories documented 
  •  User stories reviewed 
  •  Design documented 
  •  Design reviewed 
  •  Feature merged 
  •  Examples and guides 
  •  Integration tests 
  •  Documentation for feature 
  •  Short video demonstrating the feature