Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
//-------------- CDAP API changes --------------
public interface ApplicationContext<T extends Config> {
  T getConfig();

public interface Application<T extends Config> {
  void configure(ApplicationConfigurer configurer, ApplicationContext<T> context);
public abstract class AbstractApplication<T> implements Application<T extends Config> {
  protected final ApplicationContext<T> getContext() { return context; }
//-------------- Example Application --------------
public class MyApp extends AbstractApplication<MyApp.MyConfig> {
  public static class MyConfig extends Config {
    @Description("The name of the stream to read from. Defaults to 'A'.")
    private String stream;
    @Description("The name of the table to write to. Defaults to 'X'.")
    private String table;
    private MyFlowConfig flowConfig;
    private MyConfig() { = "A";
      this.table = "X";
  public void configure() {
    // ApplicationContext now has a method to get a custom config object whose fields will
    // be injected using the values given in the RESTful API
    MyConfig config = getContext().getConfig();
    addStream(new Stream(;
    createDataset(config.table, Table.class);
    addFlow(new MyFlow(, config.table, config.flowConfig));
public class MyFlow implements Flow {
  private String stream;
  private String table;
  private FlowConfig flowConfig;
  public static final FlowConfig extends Config {
    private ReaderConfig reader;
    private WriterConfig writer;
  MyFlow(String stream, String table, FlowConfig flowConfig) { = stream;
    this.table = table;
    this.flowConfig = flowConfig;
  public FlowSpecification configure() {
    return FlowSpecification.Builder.with()
      .setDescription("Reads from a stream and writes to a table")
        .add("reader", new StreamReader(flowConfig.reader))
        .add("writer", new TableWriter(flowConfig.writer))
public class StreamReader extends AbstractFlowlet {
  private OutputEmitter<Put> emitter;
  private ReaderConfig readerConfig;
  private Reader reader; 

  public static class ReaderConfig extends Config {
    @Description("The name of the reader plugin to use.")
    String name; 

    @Description("The properties needed by the chosen reader plugin.")
    PluginProperties properties;

  public static interface Reader {
    Put read(StreamEvent);
  StreamReader(ReaderConfig readerConfig) {
    this.readerConfig = readerConfig;
  public FlowletSpecification configure() {
    // arguments are: type, name, id, properties
    usePlugin("reader",, "streamReader",;

  public void initialize(FlowletContext context) throws Exception {
    reader = context.newPluginInstance("streamReader");
  public void process(StreamEvent event) {


Use Case Walkthrough

1. Deploying an Artifact

User builds their application jar the same way they build it today. They make a call to deploy their artifact (jar).

Code Block
POST /namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp --data-binary @myapp-1.0.0.jar

CDAP opens the jar, figures out the bundle-version as the artifact version, figures out what apps, programs, datasets, and plugins are in the artifact, then stores the artifact on the filesystem and metadata in a table.

The user can examine the metadata by making a call:

Code Block
GET /namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp/versions/1.0.0
@Plugin(type = "reader")
@Description("Default stream reader. Expects the row key to come as a header.")
public class DefaultStreamReader implements StreamReader.Reader {
  private DefaultConfig config;
  public static class DefaultConfig extends PluginConfig {
    private String rowkey;
    private DefaultConfig() {
      rowkey = "rowkey";
  public Put read(StreamEvent event) {
    Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(event.getHeaders().get(config.rowkey)));
    put.add("timestamp", event.getTimestamp());
    put.add("body", Bytes.toBytes(event.getBody()));


Use Case Walkthrough

1. Deploying an Artifact

User builds their application jar the same way they build it today. They make a call to deploy their artifact (jar).

Code Block
POST /namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp --data-binary @myapp-1.0.0.jar

CDAP opens the jar, figures out the bundle-version as the artifact version, figures out what apps, programs, datasets, and plugins are in the artifact, then stores the artifact on the filesystem and metadata in a table.

The user can examine the metadata by making a call:

Code Block
GET /namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp/versions/1.0.0
  "name": "purchase",
  "version": "3.1.0",
  "meta": {
    "created": "1234567890000",
  "classes": {
    "apps": [
        "className": "co.cask.cdap.examples.myapp.MyApp",
        "properties": {
          "stream": { 
            "name": "stream", 
            "description": "The name of the stream to read from. Defaults to 'A'.", 
            "type": "string", 
            "required": false 
          "table": {
            "name": "table",
            "description": "The name of the table to write to. Defaults to 'X'.",
            "type": "string",
            "required": false,
          "flowConfig": {
            "name": "flow",
            "description": "",
            "type": "config",
            "fields": {
              "reader": {
                "name": "purchasereader",
                "versiondescription": "3.1.0",
   "meta": {              "createdtype": "1234567890000config",
    ...   },   "classes": {     "appsrequired": [true,
       {         "classNamefields": "co.cask.cdap.examples.myapp.MyApp",{
        "properties": {
          "streamname": { 
                    "name": "streamname", 
                    "description": "The name of the stream to read from. Defaults to 'A'.", reader plugin to use.",
                    "type": "string", 

           "required": false         "required": true
 },           "table": {     },
       "name": "table",             "descriptionproperties": "The name{
of the table to write to. Defaults to 'X'.",               "typename": "stringproperties",
            "required": false,       "description": "The properties needed },by the chosen reader plugin.",
      "flowConfig": {             "nametype": "flowplugin",
            "description": "",             "typeplugintype": "configreader",
            ""        "required": true
              }    }
        "fields":  {      }
      "id": { "name": "id", "type": "long", "required": true },
              "digitswriter": { "name": "phoneNumber", "type": "string", "required": true... }
    "plugins": [
