- Fail early if a pipeline (or MR job) is configured with more memory than allowed by YarnCDAP-15477Bhooshan Mogal
- Pipeline failure does not show cause of failure in logsCDAP-15176Resolved issue: CDAP-15176Ali Anwar
- MapReduce jobs fail to launch on CDH 5.4CDAP-14623Resolved issue: CDAP-14623Ali Anwar
- ProgramLifecycleHttpHandlerTest can hang the buildCDAP-14150Resolved issue: CDAP-14150Andreas Neumann
- MapReduce can deadlockCDAP-14076Resolved issue: CDAP-14076Andreas Neumann
- Pipelines with many sinks may exceed the Variable substitution depth in the Hadoop confCDAP-13982Resolved issue: CDAP-13982Albert Shau
- User should be able to call MapReduceContext#addOutput without a transactionCDAP-12634Resolved issue: CDAP-12634Bhooshan Mogal
- ETLMapReduce should add error datasets within a transactionCDAP-12633Resolved issue: CDAP-12633Ali Anwar
- MapReduce programs emit too many metricsCDAP-12570Resolved issue: CDAP-12570Shankar Selvam
- PartitionConsumer onFinish should be called within the MR's transactionCDAP-12514Resolved issue: CDAP-12514Bhooshan Mogal
- Ability for MapReduce to append to an existing PFS partitionCDAP-12260Resolved issue: CDAP-12260Bhooshan Mogal
- If a MapReduce job using PartitionConsumer fails, the partitions remain in-progressCDAP-12254Resolved issue: CDAP-12254Bhooshan Mogal
- NullPointerException when making a request to get /info when the MapReduce is StartingCDAP-12251Resolved issue: CDAP-12251Sameet Sapra
- Ability for DynamicPartitioner to append to an existing PFS partitionCDAP-12084Resolved issue: CDAP-12084Ali Anwar
- CombineFileInputFormat does not work with PFS as inputCDAP-12054Resolved issue: CDAP-12054Ali Anwar
- MapReduce jobs fail to be submitted on HDP 2.6.1CDAP-11970Resolved issue: CDAP-11970Ali Anwar
- Add a configuration for the frequency of getting MapReduce task reportsCDAP-11959Resolved issue: CDAP-11959Andreas Neumann
- MapReduce status is sometimes successful even though the job failedCDAP-11937Resolved issue: CDAP-11937Andreas Neumann
- There should be a way to retrieve the job conf of a MapReduce runCDAP-11883Resolved issue: CDAP-11883Bhooshan Mogal
- There should be a way to configure Spark/MapReduce job configuration through preferencesCDAP-11882Resolved issue: CDAP-11882Bhooshan Mogal
- Mapreduce INFO logs are getting logged as WARN in CDAPCDAP-11450Bhooshan Mogal
- ReadlessIncrementTest sometimes fails due to memory limitsCDAP-11418Resolved issue: CDAP-11418Andreas Neumann
- Compatibility Modules for different Hadoop distros/versionsCDAP-8848Resolved issue: CDAP-8848NitinM
- Upgrade CDAP dependencies on Hadoop and HBase to a newer versionCDAP-8847Resolved issue: CDAP-8847NitinM
- PartitionedFileSet does not clean up files under certain MapReduce failure conditionsCDAP-8766Resolved issue: CDAP-8766Andreas Neumann
- Make file set permissions work with MultipleOutputsCDAP-8262Resolved issue: CDAP-8262Andreas Neumann
- Mapper Bytes Out is wrongCDAP-7635Resolved issue: CDAP-7635NitinM
- Readless Increments do not work from MapReduceCDAP-7624Resolved issue: CDAP-7624Andreas Neumann
- Remove all deprecated methods from Wise appCDAP-7563Resolved issue: CDAP-7563Andreas Neumann
- Better log message when a MapReduce failsCDAP-7561Resolved issue: CDAP-7561NitinM
- DynamicPartitioner should have a way to close a writer when it is known to be doneCDAP-7557Resolved issue: CDAP-7557Ali Anwar
- MultipleOutputs#close() should pass appropriate context rather than using same contextCDAP-7535Resolved issue: CDAP-7535Vinisha Shah
- MapReduce classloader is closed prematurely in MRAppMasterCDAP-7500Resolved issue: CDAP-7500Terence Yim
- MapReduce's beforeSubmit is committed, even in case of some failuresCDAP-7497Resolved issue: CDAP-7497Bhooshan Mogal
- DynamicPartitioner does not remove files upon failureCDAP-7483Resolved issue: CDAP-7483Andreas Neumann
- MapReduce should run the DatasetOutputCommitters in a separate transactionCDAP-7477Resolved issue: CDAP-7477Andreas Neumann
- Refactor MapReduceRuntimeService to configure inputs and outputs during initialize()CDAP-7476Resolved issue: CDAP-7476Andreas Neumann
- Remove deprecated setInput and setOutput methods in MapReduceConfigurerCDAP-7475Resolved issue: CDAP-7475Andreas Neumann
- If a program fails during startup, destroy() is never calledCDAP-7444Resolved issue: CDAP-7444Andreas Neumann
- MRAppMaster java process running longer than expected.CDAP-7392Resolved issue: CDAP-7392Sagar Kapare
- If a mapreduce job is configured in a workflow, it should be discovered by the application during deployCDAP-7278Resolved issue: CDAP-7278Terence Yim
- PartitionedFileSetArguments.setOutputPartitionMetadata does not work when Reducers are usedCDAP-7189Resolved issue: CDAP-7189NitinM
- Docs for CDAP-5740CDAP-7109Resolved issue: CDAP-7109Ali Anwar
- Concurrency protection for datasets and partitionsCDAP-7081Resolved issue: CDAP-7081Andreas Neumann
- MapReduce programs fail on clusters with Phoenix enabledCDAP-7030Resolved issue: CDAP-7030Poorna Chandra
- Remove unsetting of 'mapreduce.jobhistory.address' from MapReduceRuntimeServiceCDAP-6988Resolved issue: CDAP-6988Rohit Sinha
- Multiple instances of a Table in the same transaction do not see each other's writesCDAP-6579Resolved issue: CDAP-6579NitinM
- CDAP should allow rules to react to programs that run longer than expectedCDAP-6369Resolved issue: CDAP-6369Andreas Neumann
- Mapreduce jobs prints a lot of DEBUG messages for every single record that is processedCDAP-6282Resolved issue: CDAP-6282Gokul Gunasekaran
- CDAP settings used in MapReduce framework should be settable in cdap-site.xmlCDAP-6266Resolved issue: CDAP-6266NitinM
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