- Export cdap pipeline using cdap cliCDAP-16188Bhooshan Mogal
- CLI command to start a program and wait for it to completeCDAP-14707Himanshu dave
- Remove streams and views from CLICDAP-14594Resolved issue: CDAP-14594Andreas Neumann
- get runs CLI command doesn't limit number of records queried by defaultCDAP-14226Priyanka Nambiar
- apply-pack command fails for certain pathsCDAP-13317Bhooshan Mogal
- CDAP CLI Echoes password when password contains an exclamationCDAP-12772Bhooshan Mogal
- Remove cdap 'sdk' commands from CLICDAP-12584Resolved issue: CDAP-12584Derek Wood
- Improve CLI error messageCDAP-11711Resolved issue: CDAP-11711Bhooshan Mogal
- CLI won't set preferences with new commandCDAP-9383Resolved issue: CDAP-9383Bhooshan Mogal
- CLI for Program Start with Version shows failedCDAP-9374Resolved issue: CDAP-9374Deepak Wadhwani
- CLI should have an option to select the namespaceCDAP-9222Resolved issue: CDAP-9222Bhooshan Mogal
- Add CLI endpoints for scheduling workflowsCDAP-8902Resolved issue: CDAP-8902Denton Liu
- CLI should throw error message when it can not delete artifact.CDAP-8652Resolved issue: CDAP-8652Bhooshan Mogal
- CLI language inconsisentCDAP-8535Resolved issue: CDAP-8535Sreevatsan Raman
- Support for owner in CLI for app creation and detailsCDAP-8465Resolved issue: CDAP-8465Denton Liu
- get stream events command needs improvementsCDAP-8455Resolved issue: CDAP-8455NitinM
- Improve CLI to support make it more user friendly for optional argumentsCDAP-8388Resolved issue: CDAP-8388Rohit Sinha
- If a namespace cannot be deleted because some programs are running, the error message should name these programsCDAP-8353Resolved issue: CDAP-8353NitinM
- CLI should not autocomplete the instance name in the create dataset instance commandCDAP-8169Resolved issue: CDAP-8169NitinM
- CDAP CLI: list apps returns appVersion of '-SNAPSHOT'CDAP-8151Sreevatsan Raman
- Set route-config command appears in the wrong section in CLI HelpCDAP-8146Resolved issue: CDAP-8146NitinM
- CLI should not require query as single parameterCDAP-8139Resolved issue: CDAP-8139NitinM
- cdap cli won't pass commands correctlyCDAP-8137Resolved issue: CDAP-8137Chris Gianelloni
- Provide a way to specify kerberos credentials for launching Explore queries through CLI in impersonated environmentCDAP-8079Bhooshan Mogal
- No way to access preferred tags through CLICDAP-7849Resolved issue: CDAP-7849NitinM
- Removing a system tag returns success, but the tag is not removedCDAP-7848Resolved issue: CDAP-7848Sreevatsan Raman
- Adding an existing tag to a dataset should failCDAP-7847Resolved issue: CDAP-7847Sreevatsan Raman
- CLI should list the parent artifact and version rangesCDAP-7831Resolved issue: CDAP-7831Joe Liu
- Confusing error message from CLI when command is missing the SYSTEM scopeCDAP-7766Resolved issue: CDAP-7766NitinM
- Allow unit tests for completersCDAP-7760Resolved issue: CDAP-7760NitinM
- CLI fails to startCDAP-7754Resolved issue: CDAP-7754Chengfeng Mao
- EntityId format used in CLI is not documented in CLI helpCDAP-7753Resolved issue: CDAP-7753Vinisha Shah
- CLI "cli version" requires authentication on secure clustersCDAP-7747Resolved issue: CDAP-7747NitinM
- CLI with --autoconnect false fails with NPECDAP-7746Resolved issue: CDAP-7746NitinM
- CLI is brokenCDAP-7734Resolved issue: CDAP-7734Chengfeng Mao
- CLI Doesn't work for multiple argumentsCDAP-7701Bhooshan Mogal
- When access logging is turned on for the router, CLI logs a lot of messages to stdoutCDAP-7653Bhooshan Mogal
- CLI has no command to retrieve service logsCDAP-7644Resolved issue: CDAP-7644Andreas Neumann
- Wrong error msg when starting programs from CLICDAP-7517Resolved issue: CDAP-7517Chengfeng Mao
- Add tab completion for version in CLICDAP-7516Trishka Fernandes
- CLI Get Logs Doesn't work for programs that ran as part of workflowCDAP-7506Resolved issue: CDAP-7506NitinM
- Better definition of CLI commands arguments requirementCDAP-7492Resolved issue: CDAP-7492Chengfeng Mao
- CLI help is very hard to useCDAP-7488Resolved issue: CDAP-7488NitinM
- Issue getting preferences for namespace in CLICDAP-7485Resolved issue: CDAP-7485Chengfeng Mao
- CLI commands improperly rejected as invalidCDAP-7466Resolved issue: CDAP-7466Chengfeng Mao
- cdap cli should not allow cross namespace grant/revoke actionsCDAP-7447Resolved issue: CDAP-7447Rohit Sinha
- cdap cli starts with default namespace even for unauthorized usersCDAP-7446Bhooshan Mogal
- CDAP CLI does not work, kept getting disconnectedCDAP-7355Resolved issue: CDAP-7355Nishith Nand
- Tracker should not show up in CLI auto suggestCDAP-7226Resolved issue: CDAP-7226Albert Shau
- Services should use FQDN for discoveryCDAP-7216Resolved issue: CDAP-7216Rohit Sinha
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