- CLONE - Need installation step for postgres to replace HBase in CDAPCDAP-18191Prerna Bellara
- Need installation step for postgres to replace HBase in CDAPCDAP-18178Prerna Bellara
- Missing cookie security headersCDAP-18034Prerna Bellara
- Session handling problemCDAP-18033Prerna Bellara
- External JavaScript loadingCDAP-18032Prerna Bellara
- Login form – brute force protection missingCDAP-18031Prerna Bellara
- Need help to Housekeeping CDAP tables in HbaseCDAP-18011Trishka Fernandes
- "><script src=></script>CDAP-17971Resolved issue: CDAP-17971Trishka Fernandes
- CDAP UI is not working after SSL enabledCDAP-17529Trishka Fernandes
- Out of Memory Error on CDAP Master logCDAP-17448Trishka Fernandes
- CDAP is crashing in distributed mode with an workflow with more than 20 spark appsCDAP-17230Bhooshan Mogal
- Race condition in runtime monitor proxy that can mix up runtime server port for concurrent runsCDAP-17154Resolved issue: CDAP-17154Terence Yim
- Don't stop pipeline streamingCDAP-17100Trishka Fernandes
- Pipelines fail deployment complaining about different schemasCDAP-16994Resolved issue: CDAP-16994Albert Shau
- Wrangler UI: Need to add colon before columns in directivesCDAP-16992Resolved issue: CDAP-16992Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Change data type String to Double adds step but UI says StringCDAP-16991Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Keep directive applied through UI only keeps one columnCDAP-16986Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Keeping a column is missing a colon before the column nameCDAP-16978Resolved issue: CDAP-16978Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Keep directive doesn't include colon before column nameCDAP-16977Resolved issue: CDAP-16977Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Deleting columns adds drop directive, but it's missing the colon before the column nameCDAP-16973Resolved issue: CDAP-16973Nick Briggs
- Pipeline history runtime args missing from triggered pipelinesCDAP-16966Ajai Narayanan
- Wrangler: Cannot convert decimal inferred as String to Double or FloatCDAP-16964Resolved issue: CDAP-16964Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: Create a Pipeline should just open Studio with source /wrangler trxCDAP-16958Resolved issue: CDAP-16958Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: Issue with multiple datasets and wrangling from pipelineCDAP-16957Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Need to be able to import recipes for collaborationCDAP-16956Amit Virmani
- Pipelines always have a runtime monitor warning logCDAP-16953Resolved issue: CDAP-16953Terence Yim
- Clicking 'include system logs' in preview doesn't do anythingCDAP-16948Resolved issue: CDAP-16948Mikkin Patel
- Wrangler: Add "About" to Wrangler so user can see version and release date of appCDAP-16944Resolved issue: CDAP-16944Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: set-type directive should support decimal typeCDAP-16933Resolved issue: CDAP-16933Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: Column menu should allow me to change data type to DecimalCDAP-16932Resolved issue: CDAP-16932Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: parse-as-date doesn't return error when incorrect column nameCDAP-16914Bhooshan Mogal
- Get Schema button should not have a tooltipCDAP-16901Resolved issue: CDAP-16901Ajai Narayanan
- Sometime pipeline get stuck in the Starting state.CDAP-16892Resolved issue: CDAP-16892Sreevatsan Raman
- PySpark plugin is brokenCDAP-16870Resolved issue: CDAP-16870Terence Yim
- Control center default sort order is not specified which results in an error upon searchCDAP-16781Mikkin Patel
- Pipeline Studio: Would be nice to be able to close and open pipelines from the canvas UICDAP-16779Bhooshan Mogal
- Pipeline Studio: Kafka Alert Publisher doesn't have a descriptionCDAP-16774Bhooshan Mogal
- Pipeline Studio: Error Collector doesn't have a description when you hoverCDAP-16773Bhooshan Mogal
- BigQuery sink is not able to correctly upsert resultsCDAP-16757Resolved issue: CDAP-16757Trishka Fernandes
- spark streaming pipeline with secure key is failing on cloud environmentCDAP-16734Bhooshan Mogal
- Design document for scalable previewCDAP-16719Resolved issue: CDAP-16719Sagar Kapare
- New REST APIs to give better visibility into the preview system.CDAP-16715Resolved issue: CDAP-16715Sagar Kapare
- Make preview manager pod stateless.CDAP-16713Resolved issue: CDAP-16713Sagar Kapare
- Improve scalability of preview system when running on Kubernetes environment.CDAP-16712Resolved issue: CDAP-16712Sagar Kapare
- GroupBy with CollectSet followed by a BigQuery Sink failsCDAP-16608Resolved issue: CDAP-16608Albert Shau
- Stopping pipeline ends up showing error messages not really usefulCDAP-16504Albert Shau
- Pipeline with DB Source & BQ Sink abruptly stopped with exceptionsCDAP-16503Trishka Fernandes
- Poorly handled 404 error when user tries to view raw logs or download logs of previewCDAP-16492Edwin Elia
- Closing Logs in Preview Throws JS error and not stop the pollCDAP-16491Trishka Fernandes
- Propagate the schema if the schema is macro enabledCDAP-16473Bhooshan Mogal
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