- Failure during program launch doesn't show up in program logsCDAP-14842Resolved issue: CDAP-14842Mikkin Patel
- Remote runtime stuckCDAP-14776Resolved issue: CDAP-14776Albert Shau
- Metadata search will be broken if the search result contains schedule type with authorization enabledCDAP-14705Yaojie Feng
- Columns without data (nulls) doesn't propagated in output schemaCDAP-14597Mikkin Patel
- Import pipeline button overlaps textCDAP-14564Priyanka Nambiar
- Realtime/Spark Streaming pipelines ignore config and always run with checkpointing onCDAP-14558Resolved issue: CDAP-14558Jon Gray
- UI should not force you to update pipeline plugin versionsCDAP-14555Resolved issue: CDAP-14555Edwin Elia
- Unexpected WARN log messages seen when running pipelines on dataproc on a clusterCDAP-14547Priyanka Nambiar
- BigQuery plugins need an extra job project propertyCDAP-14542Resolved issue: CDAP-14542Albert Shau
- kafka-plugin in development branch doesn't load properly in cdap 5.1.0 - It is not shown in the UICDAP-14538Resolved issue: CDAP-14538Albert Shau
- BigQuerySink sink schema validation should not depend on table existenceCDAP-14532Resolved issue: CDAP-14532Vinisha Shah
- BigQuery Sink NPE if schema is mismatchedCDAP-14531Resolved issue: CDAP-14531Vinisha Shah
- Clicking on About CDAP in Log viewer does not do anything.CDAP-14527Resolved issue: CDAP-14527Edwin Elia
- Welcome modal header image doesn't span whole modal widthCDAP-14518Ajai Narayanan
- Scheduler should emit metrics about the job queueCDAP-14517Priyanka Nambiar
- After upgrading cluster from 5.0 to 5.1, no longer able to create pipelines.CDAP-14515Resolved issue: CDAP-14515Rohit Sinha
- Update docs to drop Java 7 supportCDAP-14514Resolved issue: CDAP-14514Rohit Sinha
- Split cdap-security-extension repoCDAP-14513Rohit Sinha
- Scheduler should log all job creation, execution and cancellationCDAP-14512Priyanka Nambiar
- commons-lang and few other jar missing from ranger pluginsCDAP-14507Rohit Sinha
- Configuration changes/updates for CSD and AmbariCDAP-14495Resolved issue: CDAP-14495Matt Wuenschel
- Remove Datapacks from Hub UICDAP-14471Resolved issue: CDAP-14471Edwin Elia
- Applications/Pipeline tags should not have 'cdap' in themCDAP-14388Rohit Sinha
- CDAP navigation bar - add caret next to admin icon, add spatial definition around Namespace drop downCDAP-14380Resolved issue: CDAP-14380Ajai Narayanan
- GCSSource does not work if Regex Path Filter is not specifiedCDAP-14353Resolved issue: CDAP-14353Rohit Sinha
- Spanner source created through DataPrep has incorrect labelCDAP-14351Resolved issue: CDAP-14351Bhooshan Mogal
- Exploring parquet fileset with timestamp throws ClassCastExceptionCDAP-14346Resolved issue: CDAP-14346Priyanka Nambiar
- ExploreTest is consistently failing on MapR4.1CDAP-14342Resolved issue: CDAP-14342Vinisha Shah
- CrossNSAppImpersonationTest can only run with spark2CDAP-14328Resolved issue: CDAP-14328Rohit Sinha
- Strange warnings in dataprep service logCDAP-14326Resolved issue: CDAP-14326Vinisha Shah
- Strange error from Dataprep file connectionCDAP-14325Resolved issue: CDAP-14325Vinisha Shah
- SparkTest.testStreamFormatSpec() is flakyCDAP-14323Resolved issue: CDAP-14323Albert Shau
- upgrade tool fails with missing propertyCDAP-14314Resolved issue: CDAP-14314Vinisha Shah
- Cyclic HTTP call loop in Dataset ServiceCDAP-14298Resolved issue: CDAP-14298Andreas Neumann
- Improve theme file spec to only have one logo field instead of twoCDAP-14297Resolved issue: CDAP-14297Tony Bach
- Start dataprep bootstrap step logs a warnCDAP-14295Resolved issue: CDAP-14295Albert Shau
- KafkaOffsetResolverTest is flakyCDAP-14276Resolved issue: CDAP-14276Terence Yim
- Unable to wrangle mysql tableCDAP-14262Resolved issue: CDAP-14262Vinisha Shah
- LevelDBQueueTest is flakyCDAP-14254Resolved issue: CDAP-14254Ali Anwar
- Move cask.common.http back into cdapCDAP-14240Resolved issue: CDAP-14240Andreas Neumann
- Race condition in Netty can cause HTTP time outCDAP-14201Resolved issue: CDAP-14201Terence Yim
- Instrument all HTTP handlers and clients to trace-log all requestsCDAP-14193Priyanka Nambiar
- core scheduler, app fabric and dataset service should use fewer threads in testsCDAP-14189Resolved issue: CDAP-14189Andreas Neumann
- Localize only artifact jar needed by a programCDAP-14188Priyanka Nambiar
- All code should use the same way to make HTTP requestsCDAP-14180Bhooshan Mogal
- Flaky unit testsCDAP-14178Bhooshan Mogal
- Column selection dropdown in data preparation gets cut off partiallyCDAP-14174Ajai Narayanan
- Fix 5.1 docs buildCDAP-14170Resolved issue: CDAP-14170Sreevatsan Raman
- Always display current dataset schema in FLL regardless of time period selectedCDAP-14168Resolved issue: CDAP-14168Rohit Sinha
- Field Lineage fails for a Join if the join key is not written to a sinkCDAP-14167Resolved issue: CDAP-14167Yaojie Feng
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