- Apply software updates to cdap imageCDAP-20643Resolved issue: CDAP-20643Vaibhav Sethi
- Apply software updates to cdap-operator imageCDAP-20616Resolved issue: CDAP-20616Vaibhav Sethi
- Not using the correct HBaseConfiguration in DefaultTransactionStateCacheCDAP-1765Resolved issue: CDAP-1765Terence Yim
- Dataset API are inconsistent between configuration time and runtimeCDAP-1721Resolved issue: CDAP-1721Andreas Neumann
- Setting LOG_DIR requires editing files deployed by packagesCDAP-1268Resolved issue: CDAP-1268Chris Gianelloni
- Instance count and worker name is not set correctly on restartCDAP-1004Resolved issue: CDAP-1004Parth Gandhi
- Dataset service is not using chunk processing to handle large jar file uploadCDAP-874Resolved issue: CDAP-874Terence Yim
- DatasetFramework.getDataset() should delete the dataset jar after loadingCDAP-858Resolved issue: CDAP-858Terence Yim
- Router should handle downstream failures gracefullyCDAP-839Resolved issue: CDAP-839Poorna Chandra
- Worker getDataset should cache instancesCDAP-805Resolved issue: CDAP-805Parth Gandhi
- Dashboard should not display flowlet metrics for Generator flowletsCDAP-796Resolved issue: CDAP-796Ali Anwar
- "Service Unavailable" message never goes away after visiting explore page when explore is disabledCDAP-795Resolved issue: CDAP-795Ajai Narayanan
- Programs start failures occasionally on Hbase 0.98 clustersCDAP-690Resolved issue: CDAP-690Gary Helmling
- Make sure all services in YARN return status end points in consistent manner.CDAP-681Resolved issue: CDAP-681Sagar Kapare
- Implementation of Health Check for Auth ServerCDAP-680Resolved issue: CDAP-680Sagar Kapare
- Implementation of Health Check for RouterCDAP-679Resolved issue: CDAP-679Sagar Kapare
- Implementation of Health Check for DashboardCDAP-678Resolved issue: CDAP-678Adrien Cahen
- Health checks for CDAP HTTP servicesCDAP-663Resolved issue: CDAP-663Sagar Kapare
- cdap-security auth-server bind configuration named inconsistentlyCDAP-639Resolved issue: CDAP-639Taras Yatskiv
- Updates to Administration guideCDAP-612Resolved issue: CDAP-612John Jackson
- Create tool or process to check XML files referenced in documentationCDAP-601Resolved issue: CDAP-601John Jackson
- CDAP master crashes due to token expiration issue in secure CDAP on secure HadoopCDAP-562Resolved issue: CDAP-562Gary Helmling
- ClassLoader loads wrong version of kafkaCDAP-559Resolved issue: CDAP-559Terence Yim
- Metrics for flowlet's pending is considering old events (prior to truncate)CDAP-554Resolved issue: CDAP-554Andreas Neumann
- Examples and tests incorrectly use ByteBuffer.array()CDAP-549Resolved issue: CDAP-549Andreas Neumann
- CDAP CLI - When a command pattern does not match, we currently print out "Error: null". It will be useful to print out the pattern and the command description.CDAP-548Resolved issue: CDAP-548Priyanka Nambiar
- Schedules should be able to start any program without a workflowCDAP-547Resolved issue: CDAP-547Sagar Kapare
- Workflow should be able to run an ad-hoc queryCDAP-546Resolved issue: CDAP-546Sagar Kapare
- Programs should not be nested inside WorkflowCDAP-545Resolved issue: CDAP-545Sagar Kapare
- CDAP CLI : common-cli : Allow Users of common-cli to capture UserInterruptException to provide a handler method to handle Ctrl+CCDAP-537Resolved issue: CDAP-537Artem Makogon
- CLI (common) - Need to have inbuilt Help and Exit commandsCDAP-531Resolved issue: CDAP-531Talashko Yurii
- Python3 support for cdap-stream-clientCDAP-524Resolved issue: CDAP-524Constantine Povietkin
- Auth Server fails to start (conflicting servlet-api versions?)CDAP-519Resolved issue: CDAP-519Alvin Wang
- Flowlet callback for change instances eventCDAP-516Resolved issue: CDAP-516Terence Yim
- Missing getSpecification() method in ServiceWorkerContextCDAP-509Resolved issue: CDAP-509Terence Yim
- Tracking bug for Twill delegation token refreshCDAP-504Resolved issue: CDAP-504Gary Helmling
- Install Guide Link for Standalone VM on points to wrong location in docsCDAP-494Resolved issue: CDAP-494Priyanka Nambiar
- CDAP-FileTailer Integration Tests should have better validationsCDAP-489Resolved issue: CDAP-489Priyanka Nambiar
- Stream Client Integration Tests should have better validations.CDAP-488Resolved issue: CDAP-488Yaroslav Golub
- Restart runnables upon failure in standalone.CDAP-477Resolved issue: CDAP-477Sreevatsan Raman
- AvroFileLogReader can skip log entries with the same timestampCDAP-475Resolved issue: CDAP-475Gary Helmling
- CDAP Console buttons do not show properly in Firefox browserCDAP-473Resolved issue: CDAP-473Constantine Povietkin
- Add SSL support to Transaction Manager DebuggerCDAP-456Resolved issue: CDAP-456Poorna Chandra
- Delete Kafka logs on unrecoverable resetCDAP-452Resolved issue: CDAP-452Alex Baranau
- No way to ingest data into stream via UI if no Flows exist.CDAP-448Resolved issue: CDAP-448Edwin Elia
- streamHandler throws exception when hitting /streams/{}/info for a valid stream.CDAP-447Resolved issue: CDAP-447Albert Shau
- Dataset vs DataSet nameCDAP-423Resolved issue: CDAP-423Gary Helmling
- Docker: intellij and eclipse opens up but does not have any projectCDAP-422Resolved issue: CDAP-422NitinM
- Oracle VirtualBox: The stop button for flow is misplacedCDAP-421Resolved issue: CDAP-421Dawoud Ibrahim
- Automate uploading of sdk, rpms and debs to Cask public repoCDAP-418Resolved issue: CDAP-418Chris Gianelloni
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