- Order By pluginPLUGIN-161Bhooshan Mogal
- Replace deprecated methods in source and tests with appropriate methodsCDAP-11299Resolved issue: CDAP-11299Ananya Bhattacharya
- Remove ITNs for machine learning pluginsCDAP-11231Resolved issue: CDAP-11231Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move logistic-regression into Hydrator orgCDAP-11230Resolved issue: CDAP-11230Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move hashing tf-feature into Hydrator orgCDAP-11229Resolved issue: CDAP-11229Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move Naive-bayes into Hydrator orgCDAP-11228Resolved issue: CDAP-11228Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move SkipGram into Hydrator orgCDAP-11227Resolved issue: CDAP-11227Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move Decision Tree into Hydrator orgCDAP-11226Resolved issue: CDAP-11226Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move Ngram into Hydrator orgCDAP-11225Resolved issue: CDAP-11225Ananya Bhattacharya
- Move Tokenizer into Hydrator OrgCDAP-11224Resolved issue: CDAP-11224Ananya Bhattacharya
- Hydrator plugin for twitter improvement request to search custom stringsCDAP-11221Resolved issue: CDAP-11221NitinM
- CSVParser should ignore empty linesCDAP-11213Resolved issue: CDAP-11213
- File based sources should have an optional field for source fileCDAP-11202Resolved issue: CDAP-11202Albert Shau
- Hydrator: Stop button improvementsCDAP-11200Resolved issue: CDAP-11200Ajai Narayanan
- Combine TPFS Parquet, Orc, and Avro into a single plugin with an option to select the format of the source/sinkCDAP-11192Resolved issue: CDAP-11192abhinavc
- Plugin metrics don't display when special characters in stage nameCDAP-11189Resolved issue: CDAP-11189Ajai Narayanan
- HDFS Sink plugin needs improvementCDAP-11183Resolved issue: CDAP-11183abhinavc
- XMLReader plugin table expire time should always be optionalCDAP-11181Resolved issue: CDAP-11181Romy Khetan
- "Fail this pipeline" SinkCDAP-11175Resolved issue: CDAP-11175Romy Khetan
- Default plugin that a user chooses should be the latest version of plugin availableCDAP-11171Resolved issue: CDAP-11171Ajai Narayanan
- Hasher plugin should be able to create a hash from multiple fields or the entire record and add it to the output schemaCDAP-11165Resolved issue: CDAP-11165Russ Savage
- CSVParser should give more details when it errors outCDAP-11161Resolved issue: CDAP-11161
- FileBatchSource should use FileSetCDAP-11153Resolved issue: CDAP-11153
- Have a configurable delimiter for HDFS pluginCDAP-11152Resolved issue: CDAP-11152Shashank
- [IDEA] Loading a jar file in Hydrator UI should automatically populate the corresponding json fileCDAP-11147Resolved issue: CDAP-11147NitinM
- Decompressor only supports one file in a zipCDAP-11122Resolved issue: CDAP-11122Sreevatsan Raman
- Database plugin, 'Get Schema' removes Import Query 'where $CONDITIONS' clause from configCDAP-11119Resolved issue: CDAP-11119Shashank
- Database getSchema loads output schema with table.field which is invalidCDAP-11112Resolved issue: CDAP-11112Bhooshan Mogal
- All plugins that use select for booleans should use the order true, falseCDAP-11105Resolved issue: CDAP-11105Ananya Bhattacharya
- HTTP Fetch to HDFS ActionCDAP-11101Resolved issue: CDAP-11101Shashank
- Hydrator pipeline does not have an Undo operation when a node is deletedCDAP-11094Resolved issue: CDAP-11094Ajai Narayanan
- Messaging improvements in hydrator pipelineCDAP-11091Resolved issue: CDAP-11091Sreevatsan Raman
- Validator plugin shouldn't care if you have the error dataset configuredCDAP-11087Resolved issue: CDAP-11087Shashank
- CSVParser plugin in hydrator should spell out what PDL and TDF isCDAP-11082Resolved issue: CDAP-11082Ananya Bhattacharya
- Default to highest version when creating a plugin templateCDAP-11070Resolved issue: CDAP-11070Sushil Adokar
- Changes in tokenizer pluginCDAP-11061Resolved issue: CDAP-11061Ananya Bhattacharya
- All machine learning plugins should save the model as pmml filesCDAP-11052Resolved issue: CDAP-11052
- Importing a pipeline that has a plugin you are missing should failCDAP-11051Resolved issue: CDAP-11051Edwin Elia
- Need capabilities to get the input schema from DB tables while creating the pipelineCDAP-11048Resolved issue: CDAP-11048NitinM
- plugins should validate regex before publishing pipelineCDAP-11042Resolved issue: CDAP-11042NitinM
- Move ML Plugins to their own repos in Hydrator orgCDAP-11036Resolved issue: CDAP-11036Ananya Bhattacharya
- XMLReader plugin should not have the option to move files after processingCDAP-11025Resolved issue: CDAP-11025Romy Khetan
- Add Runtime Arguments to Pipeline Summary Run History ViewsCDAP-11023Resolved issue: CDAP-11023Bhooshan Mogal
- Validator plugin has no tooltip for fields/rules.CDAP-11018Resolved issue: CDAP-11018Russ Savage
- Exporting hydrator pipelines should work with newer artifact versionsCDAP-11012Resolved issue: CDAP-11012NitinM
- File Source should be able to ignore absent files/foldersCDAP-10998Resolved issue: CDAP-10998Ananya Bhattacharya
- Pasting a list of field names into Hydrator schema should populate multiple rowsCDAP-10997Resolved issue: CDAP-10997Sushil Adokar
- Add compression options to hdfs sink pluginsCDAP-10996Resolved issue: CDAP-10996Ananya Bhattacharya
- Remove script pluginCDAP-10984Resolved issue: CDAP-10984NitinM
- When running hydrator pipeline, there should be a timer in the UI saying how long the pipeline has been runningCDAP-10982Resolved issue: CDAP-10982Sushil Adokar
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