Plugin preferences- field validation and error messages
Release Notes
Stage level validation for plugin properties.
relates to
Lea Cuniberti-Duran July 18, 2019 at 9:56 PM
If the user selects the tab "Reference" the [Validate] button is displayed as disabled
Lea Cuniberti-Duran July 17, 2019 at 12:25 AM
When the system finds an error, a banner containing the number of errors found is displayed, in addition to the single fields being highlighted.
When an unknown error is displayed, only the error banner is displayed. The error message the type of error and plus, include actionable suggestions on how to either remediate or what do to next
When the system finds no errors, a banner containing a success message is displayed.
Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.


Fix versions
Created July 8, 2019 at 10:18 PM
Updated January 10, 2020 at 11:59 PM
Resolved September 16, 2019 at 10:06 PM
As a user, I want to be able to validate the plugin preferences while I am working on setting up a pipeline and have the system guide me to remediate the errors.
*Errors should be displayed contextually.*
Error messages are displayed contextually using the following visual signifiers:
Text field is outlined: 2 px $red-01: #a40403;
Error message is displayed right under the text field Caption1 = 12px - 0.92 rem $red-01: #a40403;
Errors - plugin level
After I validate the preference fields, I can either fix any of the errors surfaced, and re-validate, or close the modal.
If there are errors that have been surfaced but not address an error signifier is displayed at the plugin level.
The signifier is displayed in $red-01: #a40403; It displays the number of fields with an error (similarly to the signifier for the missing fields
*Usecase 1* The user has validated the fields, using the [Validate Configs] button. Some errors had been highlighted in the modal, but the user closes the modal before fixing them. The node had prevously yellow signifiers for "required field not filled". After the user validates and closes the modal, those signifiers are red. It is displayed the number of error surfaced in the modal
Usecase2 Preview mode - When the user runs a pipeline in Preview mode the pipeline is validated: a message error is displayed, any errors at the node level is displayed on the node.
*Usecase3 Deploy a pipeline* - When the user tries to deploy a pipeline, the pipeline gets validated. Any errors are going to be surfaced in a error message on top of the page, and on the plugins
Acceptance Criteria
The icons on the top right of the modal have labels ("Expand" and "Save & close")
After selecting [Validate Configs], the user can Save & Close a modal even if the system has found errors in the input. - These errors are survaced on the plugin.
In the pipeline view, the number of errors are displayed on the plugin.
The user can click the error icon to open the preferences modal. Input fields that have been previously validated and have an error, are highlighted in red and an error message is displayed underneath.
E2E tests for plugin validation.